How much is all this going to cost me? If I need to buy your dietary supplements, I’ve spent a small fortune already on supplements and a lot of money on practitioners and various pills and potions over the years, and it has gotten me nowhere.
Well, I think you need to take a good long hard look at what you’re doing if you’re not getting results. It’s easy to blame people when, in fact, you may not really be doing things properly yourself. Supplements do work, but they’ll only aid and assist you, in particular, when you’re on the right track with your diet and lifestyle. So if you’re doing everything right and, particularly, if you follow a lot of my advice in my book, Candida Crusher, and you’re still not getting the results, there’s something you’re doing that’s not right or there’s a block. There’s an impediment to your cure and you can read about that in my book as well in Chapter 7, right at the end I explain a bit about obstacles to cure.
Supplements shouldn’t have to cost you a great deal of money, but expect to pay anywhere between $2 up to $5 or $6 dollars per day for the first several months. That’s not a lot of money when you think about it, you’re probably already now buying beer, wine, ice cream, take-out food, going to the movies or football or whatever it is that you like to do, and a lot of money will go into these habits. So sometimes just by cutting back on these habits and investing a little bit of money into a high-quality product can turn you right around.
I’ve often found also that discontinuation of these habits can also help to prevent many chronic diseases down the track. And a fact is many people spend a lot of money and more money on their health in the last three months of their life then they do all their life. And often then it’s too late to turn things around. So preventative medicine is the best medicine. So a small amount of supplement taken for a prolonged period of time to aid in your recovery along with a correction in dietary and lifestyle habits will get you back on track. It’s not a matter of looking at how much things cost, it’s really looking at the effects and result you’re going to get from what you do. So there’s a big difference between what something costs and the benefit you derive from it. That’s an important thing that I’d like you to look at.
So it shouldn’t cost you a lot of money when you think about it. And cutting back on a lot of those habits I mentioned is going to save you money anyway. In fact, you could probably argue that, in fact, it’s not going to cost you anything. It’s going to save you money, particularly, long term with your health, and that’s a very important consideration for you to make.