Severe Candida Case Study

Greetings! Eric Bakker, New Zealand naturopath. A country with earthquakes. Yes, we get earthquakes here quite a lot. Thanks for checking out this video. I’ve got a very interesting case I’m going to present today. I’m going to keep the guy’s name private, but I’ve got all his blood test reports here for five years. This is a bonafide case. I’ve known this guy now for some time. He’s a really cool guy. He’s 64 years of age. He went through a really bad patch a few years ago where one of his kids took their life. It was pretty sad. It was devastating, in fact.

I’m not going to go into the circumstances because there was a lot more to it. In fact, three people passed away in this particular incident. This gentleman went through an amazing amount of stress. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as broken up and as cut up as this guy ever in my 30 years of practice. I can just feel myself choking up with grief just talking to this guy. That’s how bad it was.

He came back to see me about the first of December. I’ll call him Greg. Greg came back the first of December and he said, “Eric, I’ve been really tired and sick now for about three years. In fact, so tired I can’t even lift up spanners and stuff anymore. My arms are so sore. I’m so tired. I’m getting weird sensations. I’m getting weakness of the limbs. My tongue feels weird. It’s like burning and shaking. I feel really low in my life, really depressed, so tired. I’ve got so much fatigue. I just can’t get my head off the pillow. I’ve got no motivation at all. I feel like crap! I’ve got a sore tummy, sore gut. I’ve got back pain. I’ve got muscle pain.”

And he said, “Some days I don’t want to get out of bed and sometimes I don’t think it’s worth living anymore.” I don’t like hearing people talk like that. He’s a really nice guy. So I said, “Greg, let’s run some checks on you. Let’s do some blood tests.” “Forget it. I’ve had a lot done. I’ve been to three or four doctors. A waste of time. I’ve been to neurologists. I’ve been to psychiatrists. I’ve been to medical doctors. I’ve been to chiropractors. I’ve been to every damn doctor. I’m sick of doctors. I came to you because I know you and I just want to see if you can help me out.”

I checked him out and I said, “I think you might have a problem with Vitamin B-12. Has it been tested?” He said, “I don’t know, but they ran hundreds of tests on me. They couldn’t find anything wrong with me, so I can’t see how another test is going to find stuff that they couldn’t find.” We went through his diet carefully and Greg said something very interesting.

He said, “I stopped eating meat about 10 years ago.” I said, “Why?” He said, “A naturopath told me it was poison. That eating meat would create cancer and you would die from eating meat. It was toxic to eat meat.” Anyway, I said, “Right. We’re doing the blood test. We’re going to check iron. We’re going to check B-12 and folate. We’re going to check kidney function. We’re going to check liver function. We’re going to see what the hell is wrong.”

I checked his blood pressure. It was through the floor. It was like 90/60 or something. It was like the heart was barely going. It was crazy. He woke up a really old man. He’s not that much older than me, but he looked like a really old guy. The tests blew me away. Vitamin B-12 with this guy is 151, which is really low. The baseline for B-12 is normally about 180 to 200, up to about 800. In Greg’s case, it was 151. Then I read out a whole list of signs and symptoms of B-12 deficiency and Greg had every single sign and symptom of B-12 deficiency.

B-12 is the most important vitamin for the nervous system. When you get a lack of B-12, it creates a lot of problems allowing the nerves to engage the muscles properly. It creates the nerves to go funny. It creates visual problems, heart problems, brain problems, muscle problems. A key note symptom of B-12 deficiency is a sore tongue, a swollen tongue. It can be peripheral neuropathy, which is tingling and numbness in the extremities and this is exactly what the guy had. What really blew me away was none of these darn doctors picked it up. Not even the top specialists picked it up, which shows you how crazy the medical system is. Nobody picked it up. A simple 1,000 microgram injection and 24 hours later he would have felt like he won the lotto. You guys got lotto in America? Lottery.

When I showed him these test results, he started to cry and he said, “Eric, this is like winning the lottery for me.” I said, “It is, mate, because when we get some B-12 shots into you, you’re going to feel amazing.” We got him to have B-12 injections, one per day, probably two a week for three to four weeks and the turnaround is going to be pretty impressive. Furthermore, we also found low iron. His iron is 11. For a guy, 11 micromoles per liter is like really low. A guy’s iron should be a lot higher than that. Usually about 15 to 20, maybe 25, and he’s 11. He hasn’t really got enough oxygen carrying capacity. The red blood cells can’t carry enough oxygen around, so he’s going to feel really tired. He’s got the exhaustion on top of the B-12 issues as well.

He’s a mechanic. I said, “Greg, you’ve got a car with a carburetor and you need to have a lot of air going to the carburetor to get the engine to run. What about if I put my hand over the air intake and I block half the carburetor off and I rev up the engine, what’s the motor going to do?” “It’s going to stall, mate. It’s not going to run properly. You’re choking the motor. You’re not giving it air. It can’t breathe. Combustion can’t take place with this motor.” I said, “Well, that’s what we’re doing with low iron. It’s the same thing. We’re choking the body’s ability to produce energy because we’re not giving enough oxygen for cellular respiration. The body can have as much glucose or sugar as it wants, but if it doesn’t have oxygen, it’s not going to combust. This is going to make you tired. It’s also going to build up a lot of deposits of waste in the body.”

It’s exactly what he’s got. He’s got creatinine so his kidney function is going up the creek now because he can’t produce energy properly. He can’t get rid of the waste because of the malfunctioning energy production. Now, his kidneys are playing up. None of these tests were done by the doctors. The kidney function is showing that he’s a really old man because these kidney results are what I see in someone who is very sick and elderly.

Am I going to work on the kidney? Yes, I am. We’re going to give him a kidney tonic just to engage the kidneys to allow more clearance of muscular waste. We’re going to give iron and we’re going to give B-12 injections. I can guarantee it. When that guy comes back, he’s going to feel like he’s won the lottery. This is what makes my job worthwhile is getting a hold of people that are sick and decrepit and have no answers from the medical system. Simple testing and we’re getting results we’re looking for.

If you’re not eating meat, if you’re tired, if you’ve got systems like depression, tingling, numbness, weird tongue sensations, very low motivation, really tired and weak all the time, especially if there’s any back pain involved or low iron, think about it carefully. You may well need to have this kind of a treatment as well. Thanks for tuning in. I appreciate it.

When To Bring Sugar Back on Candida Diet?

Greetings! Eric Bakker, New Zealand naturopath, author of Candida Crusher. Thanks for checking out the videos. Questions, I get them all the time. Imagine if you were in a job where people ask you questions all the time. Do you mind? I actually quite enjoy it. Particularly answering the questions through this channel to give people some good information. I like to cut the crap, as you know, and get straight to the point. No point fluffing around.

Eric, what’s the best way to reintroduce sugar or sugar substitutes after completing the Candida diet. This is a question I get asked all the time. Constantly. People love sugar. People go crazy about sugar. People eat over two times their body weight in sugar in a year. I’ve said this before in previous videos. At the turn of the century, around 1900, people were eating about a pound of sugar a year. Now, people eat 300 or 400 pounds of sugar a year. People eat huge amounts of sugar. Sugar is so cheap. You can buy bags of sugar so cheap. Sugar like salt once used to be very, very expensive, but now it’s become so cheap.

People love sugar. They really love sugar. They like sweet things. I can tell you now, once you enjoy bitter things in your diet, you’ll start to tone down the amount of sugar that you eat. Bitter is the opposite of sweet. Bitter improves digestion. Bitter repels parasites. Candida hates bitter stuff. Sweet, especially refined sugar, bacteria, yeast and parasite thrive on sugar. They thrive on that. You ruin your digestive health. I’m sure you can go to Google and type in sugar and bad effects on health and just see pages with thousands of different effects that sugar causes.

That’s an interesting question. Let’s look at that question carefully. The best way to reintroduce sugar or sugar substitutes after completing your diet. I would put it to you. How much do you like sugar? How important was sugar in your life? Were you eating lots of candy and chocolates and ice creams all the time? Maybe it’s time after the Candida Crusher approach for you to tone that kind of quantity of sugar down. Maybe you need to stop eating this kind of sugar. Sugar substitutes are not a bad idea.

Let me tell you what I did the other day. I made up a beautiful salad out of the garden. I got lots of stuff. Got all the kids home at the moment, so I made up this really nice salad. It’s called Tabouli. It’s a Greek salad. Lots and lots of parsley chopped fine. Lots of mint chopped fine. I put tomatoes. A could of scallions with spring onions all chopped fine.

Mixed together. I put a bit of cracked wheat or bulgur, the Greeks call it, or cracked wheat. You just boil this cracked wheat and squeeze the water out of it. Mixed through it. Then guess what I did? I got a whole of a small bunch of stevia because I grow lots of stevia plants. I cut these leaves up fine and I mixed it through. That salad was so sweet. It was amazingly sweet. It was a beautiful salad.

I want you to check out stevia. You can actually grow stevia as a little plant. It’s very smart for you to grow a couple of these in the garden or in a pot. I can guarantee it. When you grow this stuff, you want it all the time. You can grow big bushes out of it. It tastes fantastic. In fact, when you pull off a leaf and chew it, you swear you just had a teaspoon of sugar in your mouth. The good thing about stevia is it’s a prebiotic, so it actually helps to build beneficial bacteria. It contains many different flavones and blasticidins. Many different natural chemicals that have an effect on slowing down the release of sugar into the system. It doesn’t create problems in terms of spiking blood sugar. It doesn’t rot your teeth or cause dental caries. Bacteria don’t thrive in the presence of stevia. Fresh stevia plant is perfectly acceptable for a Candida person to have. Even if you’ve got Blastocystis or parasites. I’ve got no problem if you eat stevia. Clever to grow it. You can buy refined stevia powder, but you’re better off growing a plant of stevia.

The same thing holds for sugar cane. If you live in a warm country and you can actually crush sugar cane juice, it’s actually a very healthy drink to have. It does contain a lot more sucrose than stevia so you need to be careful with full blown yeast infections, but most healthy people can tolerate reasonably large amounts of sugar cane juice over time. I’ve been speaking to people in Brazil, the Philippines and other countries who drink lots of sugar cane juice. They’re skinny people with perfect gums and teeth. They’ve got no diabetes. It’s a fantastic health food.

Guys, there are many different types of natural sugars that you can eat that are perfectly acceptable to have. But when buy stuff that a guy’s made in a white coat in a factory, it’s usually crap. When you’re going to reintroduce sugar into your diet, do what I do. Don’t buy sugar anymore. You don’t need raw sugar. You don’t need white sugar. I’m a beekeeper, so I keep lots of beehives. I’m quite lucky in that I can just break a piece of honeycomb out whenever I want and have some nice fresh natural honey. Honey is a fantastic food when you haven’t got a major yeast infection. If you’ve got a bad yeast infection, it’s not great to eat that. I don’t find honey a really bad problem if you’ve got a parasite problem. Especially the Manuka honey. Our beautiful Manuka New Zealand honey, which is very healthy and also with a high hydrogen peroxide value it’s very antibacterial and anti-parasitic I found out.

When you come to reintroduce sugars into the diet, stevia, xylitol, Manuka honey, sugar cane juice. Don’t buy sugar anymore. Don’t buy bags of sugar. Don’t add sugar into baking or cooking or stuff like that. Stevia fresh is the best, but stevia powder is perfectly acceptable. The other one I’d like you to look at is called xylitol. Xylitol actually inhibit streptococci bacteria in the mouth, so it stops dental plaque from forming. It’s endorsed by the British dental association. It’s a very healthy kind of a sugar made from different plants like vegetables and fruits. Xylitol or stevia. I think stevia probably has the edge over xylitol.

If you’re going to buy candy when you recover, make sure that the candy contains stevia, not refined sugar. Look for stuff like evaporated cane juice. All these crappy stupid fancy names that we use for sugars on foods. There are many different names. If you’re unsure, go to Google. Type that word in and you’ll find it’s probably a sugar.

Here’s what I also put to you. If you’ve been eating quite a lot of a particular kind of snack food high in sugar and then you did the Candida diet, that’s the kind of sugar you need to put in last. Remember. Always maintain the foods with the highest desires from you, the food that you want to eat all the time, is the last food you reintroduce. Not the first one you put back in. Because if you do that then by the time you put the last one back in, the first one you put back in, you’ve ramped up the consumption of it and then you could start getting problems again.

Here’s another tip. All the foods that you’ve taken out that contain sugar in them, write them all down on a list. A whole page of different foods that may have contained sugar. Then put a line behind it and then score each food one, two, three.

Three, high desire; two, moderate desire; one, low desire. One’s you put back in first. The two’s second. The third you put back in last. That’s going to allow your digestive system time to grow beneficial bacteria back again rather than assaulting it with sugars, which could bring yeasts, fungi, and bacteria back again. Use an intelligent approach. Best off to avoid sugar as much as you can. When you’re healthy like me, go for the natural sugars. You’d be surprise how much honey I eat.

You’d be surprised how much stevia I eat. I’ve got no digestive or bowel issues whatsoever. My Candida was so bad years ago that now I can eat plenty of honey, no problem. Minimal gas. Nice flat tummy. No pain anywhere. Lots of energy. All these foods can come back into your diet when you recover. Candy and things like that it’s just not something I’m interested in. Ice cream. I like coconut ice cream. I wouldn’t eat dairy ice cream.

There you have it. That’s how you’re going to reintroduce sugar or sugar substitutes after the Candida Crusher diet. I hope that gives you some useful information. Click on the link below if you haven’t got my report and please subscribe. Thanks for tuning in.

How To Do Candida Diet On Busy Lifestyle & Schedule?

Hi there! Greetings! Eric Bakker. New Zealand naturopath. Thanks for checking out my video. I’ve got a very interesting question here from a lady called Cheryl in the United States. Cheryl is asking me a question: “Eric, how do I manage my Candida? I’ve got a crazy hectic work schedule. How on earth can I get better? The hours are hectic, and I can’t quit my job, so please give me some tips.” Okay Cheryl, that’s a very interesting question and it’s something that I’ve talked a lot about with the different clients that I’ve seen on Skype. We’ll talk about that now as if you’re one of my clients right now, okay?

So, I’ve written a list of a few things down here which we’re going to go over and this is how you’re going to manage a Candida problem, whether it’s a vaginal infection or a gut problem or a skin problem. This will work for you if you’ve got a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or leaky gut or food allergy or any type of chronic issue that’s been hanging around for a long time. It doesn’t really matter what kind of condition you’ve got. If you follow steps that I’m talking about now, you’re going to get better.

So, first thing I want you to do is try and assess whether you have Candida or not, okay? So, first thing you do is go and do our questionnaire at Go and check that out. Do my online survey-my quiz and see what your score is. See what the probability is of you having a yeast infection. That’s probably a good starting point. If you’re still in doubt, maybe do some checks. A stool analysis is a good way to test for Candida, but there are other ways you can assess for a yeast infection as well.

Point two. You really want to have the desire to get well. There’s no point in going after recovery or wanting to feel well if it’s half-cocked. I was going to say half something else but it’s a rude word. I won’t say that. You’ve got to have a strong desire to really want to get well or it’s not going to happen for you. This is where many people fail. They’re going to take a bunch of pills. They’re going to see the doctor. They’re going to talk to their mother-in-law or they’re going to go to Facebook or YouTube. They’re going to try all these different things and they pay lip service to try and get into the wellness zone. They’re not really trying to get well. They’re not really trying their best. The saying goes whether you want to get a degree or whether you want to get a good job or a good relationship. You’ve really got to go for it and give it your best shot or it’s not going to happen. So I assume, Cheryl, that you really want to get rid of this problem. That’s going to help to motivate you and drive you into these other points that we’re talking about, okay?

Prioritize your time is point number three. You’re saying to me here you’ve got hectic hours and you can’t quit your job. Prioritizing your time is very important, so obviously you can’t quit your job, but then you’re not going to be working 24 hours a day. I don’t think you are. I don’t think anybody does that. In the downtime, you need to look at what things you can do to really build good health. It’s pretty difficult, though, if you’ve got shift work.

You haven’t mentioned to me if you’re working shifts or if you’re just working a nine-to-five. If you’re working a regular day job, then there’s every chance in the world that you’ve got a much better shot at getting well than if you work crazy shifts-rotating shifts. Some people work during the graveyard shift. They’re going to start late and they’re going to finish early and try and sleep during the day and it’s pretty hard to do that. If you’re working a really weird job with weird shifts and long hours or hours all over the place and you’re very sick, it may pay for you to get rid of that job. Your health is worth more than a paycheck. I’ll tell you that much. Prioritize your time. Do the important things in life. Getting lots of sleep, eating well, lots of relaxation. These are all things people take for granted in their quest to get well.

As I mentioned earlier, many people think they can just pop a bunch of pills from the drugstore or from eBay or whatever and they think they’re going to get well. Some people I see take 50 supplements plus. How crazy is that? That’s not going to help. Prioritize your time. Cut out all the extraneous crap from your life. All the time-wasting things that you’re doing. All the things that you’re doing now that are sucking up your time and putting you in this hectic schedule that you’re talking about.

I read a very interesting statistic just before on the internet that young people spend an average of 50 to 70 times per day, they go on their mobile phone. It’s not important to me, but with young people, it’s almost glued to their hand. They spend a lot of time checking social media feeds. Checking this and checking that. When I grew up, we never had any of these darn phones in our hands. We had time. So if you work out 50 to 70 times per day just looking at a mobile phone, that’s probably an hour gone just checking on stuff. It’s a waste of time. So cut out the time wasting. Stop the procrastinating. Stop doing things that are wasting and sucking up your time and not allowing you to build good health.

Another point. I think we’re on to four now. Get better quality sleep. I had a long discussion yesterday with patient through a Skype consultation who just doesn’t really get the point that sleep is one of the most important things you can do if you want to recover. You really need to get good sleep and quality sleep. Especially, if you’re hectic. I keep looking at this word “hectic” in your email. Hectic people need good sleep. That’s going to allow you to recover better. Try and keep regular hours. Try and get to bed around 9:30/10:00 P.M. Get up around 7. Make a habit, okay? So healthy habits are very, very important to cultivate.

And as I’ve said many times on these videos and I’ll say it again, people don’t decide on their future, they decide on their habits, and their habits will decide on the future for that person. So if you create crappy habits, you’ll get a crappy future. If you create very good habits and healthy habits, you’re going to get a healthy and happy future. It makes sense, doesn’t it?

Eat better. Better quality food. Hectic people with hectic schedules with crazy jobs will often grab food here and there and skip meals and eat at weird times. If you’ve got a job where you’ve only got five minutes for lunch and the boss forces you to keep working through your lunch break, you need to quit that job. You need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and have regular meal sessions and sometimes even snacks in between if you’ve got a blood sugar problem.

Eating good food, getting good quality sleep, drinking water, breathing correctly, these are all basic tenants of naturopathy. Of good health. These are basic tenants that many people overlook. Today we live in age where we want to pop something and quickly get better. If you don’t get the basics right, it’s not going to work for you.

I hope that gives you a couple of points there on how to recover. Check out my book Candida Crusher, Cheryl, because it’s got lots of information in it, but it’s explained in much more detail. And check out my formulations CanXida because they’re meant to go with the program which I recommend for people. That program’s helped thousands of people now in over 70 different countries get well, and it’s working really well. So I hope that answers some of your questions.

I’ll just quickly recap on these points. Assess yourself, maybe blood tests or other tests to check out what you’ve got, get your goal clearly in sight, and shoot away and try and hit the goal. Have the desire to get well. Prioritize your time. Cut out the time wasting. Get better sleep, eat good quality food, and the last point is saying “no” to people. People put more demands on you, “sorry, can’t do that. Too busy. Got a crazy job, can’t fit that in to my schedule.” Don’t be afraid to say “no” to people because that’s part of the time wasting, too, is giving in to other peoples’ needs rather than looking after your own needs first.

So I hope those points make sense to you. Click on the link below if you haven’t got my report. I’ll catch up with you in the next video. Thank you very much.

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