A 718-page guide on how to overcome a Candida yeast infection without restrictive diets or drugs. Candida Crusher teaches you:
• How to eliminate recurring yeast infections (even if you’ve been getting them for years).
• The 11 main yeast infection causes.
• Common and uncommon signs and symptoms of Candida.
• Why some people can’t seem to recover no matter what they do.
• What to do if your child has Candida.
• 8 different free or low cost home tests for Candida.
• How to crush chronic vaginal yeast infections.
• Why conventional drugs usually fail at getting rid of Candida long term.
• The 21 things you must do to succeed on a Candida diet.
• Why gluten may not be as big of a problem as you may have been told.
• How to safely eat grains on a Candida diet.
• Over 250 pages on which foods to eat and avoid for Candida.
• What supplements, antifungals, and probiotic formulas work best against Candida.
• How to avoid die-off symptoms completely.
• 10 proven nutrients and herbs that fight Candida. And MUCH, MUCH MORE!
Candida Crusher is the end result of thousands of hours spent in the clinic working with patients, as well as researching countless books, online resources, speaking with many experts, & old fashioned trial and error. Candida Crusher contains information extracted from over 15,000 yeast infection cases, 1,000 stool tests, 500 food allergy tests & many blood tests. This Book is Going to Tell You What Every Other Book on Candida Won’t That getting well is NOT easy and that remaining well will require plenty of time and commitment for the first one to two months – particularly if you’ve been suffering with a chronic yeast infection for many years. Eric Bakker N.D. is considered by many to be one of the top Candida yeast infection specialists in the world due to his 35+ years of experience working with over 60,000 Candida patients. For more information on Eric Bakker N.D. please see the “Eric Bakker – The Naturopath” YouTube channel. There you can find over 2000 free videos on how to heal Candida, gut disorders, and many other health issues.