Greetings. New Zealand naturopath, Eric Bakker. Author of Candida Crusher and formulator of the Canxida range of products. Thanks for checking out my video. I have a request here from a lady called Natalie in Sweden. Natalie is quite a remarkable lady who set up a Facebook page for people with Candida yeast infections, but also all different kinds of problems and health issues related to Candida. Natalie has asked me, “Eric, can you please talk about urethritis?”
Urethritis belongs to a category of problems called urinary tract infections. There are different kinds of UTIs or urinary tract infections. Urethritis relates more to an inflammation of the urethra, which is a conduit for the little tube that runs from the bladder to the outside of the body. We’ve also other conditions of that. We’ve got cystitis, which is really the bladder infection or the reservoir of the urine to which the urethra is attached to. They move on out to the body toward the urethra. We’ve got prostatitis that males can get. We’ve got pyelonephritis, which is a kidney inflammation. A person will get fevers and chills and pain in the back like being kicked in the back by a horse or something like that.
Urethritis is actually quite a common condition and it can affect men and women both equally. It can affect young people and old people. There are different reasons why these particular type of age groups will get it. Let’s go into that a little bit.
Men can be quite prone to urethritis even if they’ve got a longer urethra, they can certainly be prone to it. They tend to have a thinner mucous membrane lining the urethra than women do who tend to have a shorter and thicker one. Women tend to have urethritis particularly as they older. Much more prone due to estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen has a very big effect on maintaining the integrity of the urinary tract. Older women can be much more prone to urinary tract infections than younger women. I feel because they have these big problems with estrogen and progesterone. It may pay to get your hormones checked out and maybe balanced or fixed up if you are certainly an older type of person.
With the younger ones, most cases of urethritis, I find, is after having intimate relations or after sex. It’s important to go straight to the bathroom to urinate after that. Make sure that the hygiene is very good. If you get this infection, try to find out what it is. Is it a Candida problem? Is it a bacterial problem? Is it virus? What’s causing the actual infection. Doctors will routinely give antibiotics, which is crazy. Because if you don’t know what you’re doing your just given antibiotics routinely. You could be causing a big problem for yourself and destroying a lot of normal flora while not even affecting the bug that’s causing the problem in the first place.
If it is bacteria or e-coli, try a powder called D-Mannose powder. Mannose is basically a particular kind of sugar. Don’t worry about Candida because you’re not going to have a big issue with Candida with Mannose. You can buy this quite easily. If you can’t, contact me. It’s a type of powder you get in a little tub and you take that once or twice per day if it’s an e-coli infection. You can use D-Mannose for any kind of e-coli urinary tract related infection. E-coli is a very common cause of a lot of these urinary infections. It’s a common bacteria and it can be transferred from the rectal region to the urethral region quite easily, especially with intimate relations.
Mannose actually acts a little bit like Velcro. You know what Velcro is. That stuff that when you rip it apart, it’s got all of the little plastic hooks on one end and that funny stuff on the other end. Pull it apart. What the Mannose does is it actually hooks up to the e-coli and pulls it out of the body. D-Mannose sticks to it and can’t be separated and you pea out these compounds of the D-Mannose and e-coli bound together. It’s very effective. If you keep taking D-Mannose with an e-coli urinary tract infection regularly, you’ll find the symptoms will go down and be gone.
Cranberries are also very good for this particular problem. But here’s the problem. Most of the cranberry juice you buy in the shop is crap. It’s crap. It’s like you may as well drink coca cola. It’s full of sugar. If you’re going to go the alkaline way for urine and try to nail this infection through that alkaline cleansing of the urinary tract, then I recommend you buy the proper cranberries from the health food shop. Make sure they’re cranberries and not some Chinese import moo-moo berries or whatever you get. Make sure they’re the proper real thing. They have to be cranberries.
You’re going to use one tablespoon of these and you’re going to put it in quite a large cup. You put probably a level tablespoon into that. Poor boiling water on top and then cover and leave it for a good 10 or 15 minutes. That can work quite effectively and you can use the cranberries at least twice, if not three times, doing that or you can make a small pot of tea with the cranberries. Put a couple of tablespoons in there, boiling water, cover it. If you make herbal teas, don’t put the cranberries in pots you’ve had herbal teas. Buy a brand new ceramic pot and just keep that for that one particular herb. It’s much better.
The standard dose for something like a cranberry, if you look at the old fashion herbal way, we used to prescribe a wine glass full. I’m sure some people happen to drink wine. How much wine would you put it in a glass? It depends on the glass and how much you like wine, I suppose. How much you would drink in one wine glass is the dose for the cranberry and you have about three or four wine glass fulls of that herbal tea per day. You can make an infusion or a decoction. The infusion is when you let it steep like tea. The decoction is when you simmer the cranberry. You put it in a stainless steel pot on the stove and boil it and turn right down to a gentle simmer for about a good 10 minutes. That’s a more powerful way to take it.
You can also do cat’s claw. Cats claw is a very good antifungal herb, especially for Candida, but I know it’s very successful for urethritis. You can buy cat’s claw powder or bark. I hope you can get it in Sweden or you can import it. I know that it might be tough there in customs. Cat’s claw comes from South America. Uncaria is the other name for it. It’s very, very effective for urinary tract issues and bladder problems in general.
Those are a couple of good tips for you to use. I’m not a huge fan of alkaline when it comes to diet, but when it comes to urinary tract infections, I am a fan on alkalizing. You need to alkalize. The best way to do that is herbal medicines. Much more so than foods. As I mentioned, if you’re peri-menopausal or menopausal like 45 or 50 or older, get your hormones checked out, especially if you get regular urethritis, you want to get that checked.
I’m just going to read some notes I’ve made here. Some other tips here. Another one is a sitz bath. You can just sit in a nice small bathtub. Fill it up with quite warm water and that’s going to really help to settle the symptoms right down quite a bit. Hygiene we spoke about. With guys, if guys have not the urinary issues, urethritis, anything like that, they should obviously use condoms or things like that if they’re going to have sex. It makes sense until any kind of infection clears up.
It’s the same with females. You need to be careful with intimate relations with infections that you don’t pass the parcel from one person to another. We don’t want that. That’s not really nice. Of course, drinking a lot of water. Water is a good thing to do when you’ve got a UTI. Lots and lots of water. Any kind of urinary issue. I don’t recommend that you drink lots of coffee and tea and schnapps and vodka and all that other stuff. I know in Sweden; they like to drink alcohol. When you’ve got any kind of infection, you want to really stop drinking all alcohol and cut your coffee down to one per day and drink green teas.
When it comes to food and urinary issues, I think you should back off the protein and eat lighter. Eat fish or even eat legumes or go vegetarian for maybe a good week or 10 days. The thing is you need rest, rest, rest. You need lots of rest when you’ve got any kind of infection, so your immune system can get stronger and more viably fight the infection.
So far, we’ve mentioned some different natural aids. We’ve mentioned particularly the cranberry. We’ve mentioned the sitz bath. We mentioned resting. We mentioned ceasing alcohol. Cutting coffee and tea consumption back and drinking a lot of water. Those are all very good tips for urethritis. Give those a go.
The other thing is don’t forget I’ve got a nice report to give away for free for people who join my list. If you want that, click on the link in the box below and you can get that nice Candida report off me. If you’re not a subscriber, please subscribe. Thanks to Natalie for asking that question. Thank you.