Candida Question #55 Is Fishy Smell Associated With Yeast Infection?

Not really. You shouldn’t have a fish briny sort of vaginal sort of smell with a yeast infection. A yeast infection smell is more of a musty sort of smell. It can be a cheesy discharge and a lot of itch.

When I think of a fish smell, I’m thinking more about bacterial vaginosis, which tends to have a different type of watery, profuse, gray sort of discharge with that fish brine smell. So you should not really have a fishy smell with a Candida infection. But you can have a strong odor, though, which may be misconstrued as a fish smell, but not really. So I hope that answers your question.

My book explains quite a lot about this whole thing, and in Chapter 3, you can read about the diagnosing, testing, and identifying of yeast infections. There’s a whole section on the different types of vaginal afflictions, including inflammations and conditions affecting the vagina. You can read all about those, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Candida, Bacterial Vaginosis, and I explain all the signs and symptoms, what you’re likely to experience, if there’s any discharge, the odor, what kind of itch you’re likely to get, it’s all in the book. So you can read a lot more about that in Candida Crusher.

Hope that answers your question. Thank you.

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