Candida Question #25 Is There Any Connection Between Candida and Endometriosis?

Well there certainly is a relationship between chronic Candida and endometriosis. I’ve written about this extensively in my book, Candida Crusher.

I had a female doctor friend who spent some time in Canada at a medical conference on endometriosis and mentioned that for three days they spoke predominantly about how to eradicate yeast infections in women.

Many women with acute vaginal yeast infections will treat these infections with various preparations, creams and applicators and take drugs like fluconazole. And in many instances, these infections don’t clear up, so stronger treatments are used or treatments of similar nature but for longer duration. And all you’re going to do is drive the condition further from the vagina into the endometrium where you’ll create an inflammatory condition. It makes sense. If you keep treating a local condition, you drive the condition into the body; you’re going to create a more chronic condition.

Many women I’ve seen with endometriosis have told me that they used to suffer from vaginal thrush and the vaginal thrush was treated over and again. And then down the track, they developed cysts in the endometrium. We do see some cases of endometriosis that have not got a thrush background, but in my opinion, most of them do.

So if you want to prevent your chances of developing endometriosis, it’s a very good idea to get on top of your vaginal yeast infection sooner rather than later. It needs to be taken seriously like any infection. You need to treat it locally and you need to treat it internally. And if you read Chapter 5 in my book, it explains the whole protocol for you.

So, in my opinion, there is a link and if you do some online searches, you’ll certainly find there are studies that validate this relationship.

Thank you.

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