Please go and check out and do my yeast infection quiz. This quiz is pretty awesome. It’s going to show you if you have mild, moderate or severe Candida.
Can garlic cure jock itch? That’s the question today. Can I get rid of my jock itch by eating garlic? You probably can’t.
It’s good to include garlic as part of your overall dietary management of a yeast infection internally, but you’re best really to treat jock itch externally as well as internally. It’s the smartest move, especially if it’s severe. I’m not saying it won’t cure it 100 percent, but it’s not going to be a magic bullet. You really need to treat jock itch externally, internally; you need to make the right diet and lifestyle changes. And if you do all that, you’ll get a real quick reduction in symptoms, and you can even get it cured within three to six months by making the right kind of changes.
If you’ve read any of my articles on, the men’s articles, you will have read about lifestyle. You will have read about how stress can lower your immunity, increase your susceptibility to a yeast infection. Stress also has an effect of making you want to eat and drink the wrong kind of foods, too much alcohol, too much caffeine, too many sugary foods; these things all screw up your digestive system. They all may increase your susceptibility to yeast infection and bacterial overgrowth in the gut. They also change the pH of your body just slightly. The skin has got a set pH and when the pH on the skin shifts, it allows you to be more susceptible to yeast infection as well.
The answer to your question can garlic cure jock itch? It’s probably, no, but if you include it as part of your overall strategy, it’s going to help significantly. One raw clove of garlic per day is a smart move to have, whether you’ve got a yeast infection or not, I think it’s a very clever move.
A good dietary supplement for you to take is Canxida. I developed Canxida up over a long period of time. Check out my YouTube clips on Just take one or two tablets a day, that’s going to help you a lot. That’s got garlic in it, but it’s got a standardized garlic in it, two percent allicin, so allicin is a very powerful active ingredient in garlic that helps to wipe out a yeast infection.
Some guys I know with bad yeast infections have told me that they get benefit from cutting up a clove of fresh garlic in half and then rubbing that over the worst areas of jock itch. This works really well, but it doesn’t work well if you’ve been scratching the skin because of the itching, you’ve broken up the skin, because then it could sting and burn by putting the garlic on, so garlic can help externally a little bit. And use it internally as part of your overall strategy, but don’t rely on garlic solely to cure jock itch because it won’t do that.
Look at the holistic plan. That’s going to really work well for you. Don’t forget to check out and do my quiz.
Thanks for tuning in.