Hi there, Eric Bakker, naturopath, author of Candida Crusher. Another question.
Burning urination, is it caused by a Candida yeast infection?
It could well be. I’ve associated many cases of burning urination with yeast infections. Dysuria or burning urination can be as a consequence of a urinary tract infection more commonly, which could be bacterial in origin. So the smartest thing for you to do would be to go to your doctor and go and get checked out. Have a urine test first to see what organisms are present there in the urine to see if it can be cultured, whether it’s bacterial or yeast. A smear test may also be quite appropriate in this case. So there could be various things involved in burning urination, but you need to get checked out if it’s recurring.
Burning urination, drink more water. Make up a nice tea from some real cranberries instead of that drink that you buy full of sugar. These are clever things to do with dysuria.
So to answer your question, is it yeast? Get checked out first. Make sure what you’re dealing with, whether it’s bacterial or fungal, and that will give you a good idea on what to treat once you’ve got your results back. Generally if these problems are acute and don’t occur too often and are self-limiting, you can treat them at home. But if you have recurrent burning urination, then you’ll certainly need a treatment.
My book, Candida Crusher, explains a lot more about treatments which are going to help you considerably with various urinary disorders. So certainly get a copy and have a look.
So I hope that answers your question. Get checked out first and I’m going to do some other YouTube clips on what to do with situations like burning urination. Thank you.