How To Properly Start A Candida Cleanse

Thanks for checking out my video today. I’ve just spent the last 20 minutes or so looking at various blog sites, YouTube videos and information online regarding Candida cleanse, about how to undertake a Candida cleanse, how to restore your health when you’ve had a yeast infection.

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Some of this information wasn’t too bad, but again, there’s a lot of this information lacking that I’m going to tell you today. And this is again one of the reasons why I think this Candida Crusher YouTube channel is so important for people who’ve been sick with a yeast infection for a long, long time, and they’re just not getting well or partially recover and relapse and get sick again.

Some of the information that I looked at on YouTube is actually stupid information. It was crap! It makes me wonder where people get this information from and why they give this advice to people because it’s got no real basis in fact, clinical experience. These people don’t treat patients. They obviously don’t see the sort of terrible results in the clinic that I do.

So what I’m going to tell you today is very important to know. I want you to try to keep watching this video if you’ve been sick on the yeast infection cleanse. You tried something and you became unwell. You’ve stopped it and you’ve restarted it again, and you just can’t seem to get on top of your yeast infection. And every time you attempt to do it, you get sick. So it’s important to pay some attention.

One of the first points I want you to get is it’s important in life anything you undertake, you put a little bit of thought into it. You take your time when you do something. You don’t jump head on into things. Let’s just assume that you’ve been sick with Candida for 10 or 15 years, and you’ve made very strict diet changes. You partially recovered, but you’ve still got these symptoms, so you try to push yourself harder and you keep getting sicker and sicker. So then you back off and you eat other foods that you used to eat then you slide back again the way you were a few years ago. These are the typical cases that I tend to see with patients. And then they will tend to undergo a new program and they’ll be head on into something brand new. They’ll make a major change within a week, and they’ll feel very sick. And after a while, they become very disillusioned. And, in fact, they develop anxiety or depression because they don’t seem to be getting well.

It’s crazy to undertake big changes too soon for the body, particularly digestive changes. There are some changes you can do very rapidly that are not going to make you feel bad. And those changes involve learning how to relax more and learning how to do that faster. I’ve never experienced people who get headaches or vomiting when they learn to relax. But I have experienced many patients who develop major anxiety, insomnia, and digestive upsets from going from three or four coffees and a few beers or wines a day to all of a sudden none of that. People who are eating all these carbohydrates in their diet and then a week later none of that. They just make a huge big, very quick turnaround in their diet and think that this is the way to do it.

I had a patient on Skype about a week ago who went from eating a normal diet like processed foods, supermarket foods, bread, toast with breakfast, a cup of tea, salad sandwich for lunch and she went straight into a juice diet. For about 10 days, she just drank juices four or five times a day. And I said, ‘How did you feel?’ She said, ‘I felt terrible. I felt like crap. And my naturopath told me I was going to feel fantastic and all I had was diarrhea and headaches for like four or five days.’ Well, again, this is not good advice.

Let’s just look at a hypothetical situation where you’re my age, mid-50s, you’re carrying a bit of weight around the tummy, you’re tired, you’ve got some sleeping problems. You’re feeling okay, but you’re sort of below par. And then you have a talk with a friend one day and she says to you, ‘Why don’t we get fit together? We’ll both go on a fitness program. I’ve got this great idea because one of my girlfriends has just joined a gym and she’s got a really good personal trainer, so let’s get into that.’ Then you think, ‘Wow, this is great. I’m going to feel awesome.’ So you join the gym. You spend $1,000 and you join a gym for a year, and all of a sudden, you’re in a boot camp and someone’s up there yelling at you. ‘Get off your butt! Run faster! Fifty more pushups!’ You start pushing yourself really, really hard. And after three or four days of doing this, if you last that long, you’re going to feel terrible. You’ll have aches and pains. You might have headaches, sore back. You’re not feeling good. Because that personal trainer also told you to cut out all caffeine, drink juices, take these protein powders, do all this stuff, and you’re going to look really sexy within a month or so. But you know what? It just didn’t work for you. After about a week, you felt like crap.

Do you know the mistake you made? You went too quick, too soon. If you had that same conversation with that friend and you thought to yourself, ‘Well, I’m going to take it easy for the first two weeks. I’m just going to go walk around the block. I’m going to go to a good shop and buy a pair of decent shoes that fit me well. Get some lose-fitting clothing. I’m going to go for a walk every day. I’m just going to get up a little bit earlier and go for about 10 or 15-minute walk, 20-minute walk, take it nice and easy. I’m not going to run. I’m just going to walk. And at the same time, I’m going to cut those four coffees or three coffees down to one or two coffees a day. I’m going to take away maybe a slice of bread in the morning or I might switch to something healthy, cereal or something. I’m going to drink one extra glass of water a day.’ You’re going to do slow changes for the first 14 days.

That’s a clever move because you’re easing yourself into this regime. This will mean you won’t feel like crap. You’ll feel tired, which is a natural consequence, but you won’t feel like crap. This is an intelligent approach to making change. It’s the same with the Candida diet. When you use intelligence and think carefully about making change slowly and not jumping into a rapid change, you’re going to get what you want in the long run. And the other thing is you’re educating yourself. You’re making those changes with thought and with intelligence. And hopefully those patterns become habitual long term. And eventually you’ll walk every day.

I’ve got patients that walk every day 365 days of the year, rain, hail or shine, they’re walking. It’s amazing. And it all started with that first step. So that could be you, too. And it’s the same with your diet. It all starts with cutting that one coffee back. It all starts with cutting that one glass of wine back. And eventually that one glass of wine, you’re only drinking one glass instead of two or three. Instead of three pieces of pizza, you’re having one piece of pizza. Instead of four or five hours of watching TV a day, whatever you do, you’re watching half an hour a day.

Make change slowly because that will mean in the long term, it’s going to be a permanent change. And that’s what we’re looking for when we’re looking for you to overcome your yeast infection. We need permanent change for about 12 to 18 months. This will mean in the long term, you won’t get the yeast infection back. You’ll lose weight. You’ll have more energy. Your libido will go up. Your sleep will improve. All of these things will improve because you made change slowly, and these habits became a fixed part of your lifestyle. And that’s what we’re looking for.

Thanks for tuning in today.

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