Candida and Insomnia Connection

Thank you for checking out my video today. This is an important video, so try to watch it all the way through. It’s about insomnia. It’s about something that one in three people have got that I see. In New Zealand, about one in three people suffer from sleeping problems. If you’re watching this in America or Europe or whatever country, you’re going to find the same thing in your country. Probably one in three people have got some issue with sleeping.

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Most people throughout their lives, in different stages of their lives, will have sleeping disturbances. This is quite common. I’ve got four children and I can remember how disturbed my sleep was when we had very young children. Children crying and being breastfed at night, so this can disturb you. There’s other times when I got upset. I couldn’t sleep properly when my father passed away. That affected my sleep for a few weeks. These are quite normal events that occur with this. I’m not saying that everyone should have a perfect sleep every night. But many people have inappropriate sleeping patterns that disturb them long term. Particularly people that are intelligent, that work hard, that have got families, mortgages and things like that.

It’s very important to tell you that if you’ve got chronic Candida and you’ve got a sleeping problem, you’re probably not going to recover. You need to get your sleep sorted if you’ve got Candida because it has a very big effect on boosting your immune system, a very big effect on your overall health and wellbeing, on your cognition and on the way you think, on your moods, on your immune function, on many other aspects of your health. Sleep is very, very important for good health. If you have poor sleep, forget about diet. I don’t care what kind of food you eat, how much gluten you avoid, or how many carbs you don’t eat. Just forget about it. If your sleep is not good, you’re wasting your time. You’ve got to have good sleep.

There are two types of insomnia that I see in the clinic, sleep onset insomnia, these are people that go to bed, their mind will sometimes take over, and they’ll be thinking about all sorts of stuff. Can’t go to sleep. They can be restless for a half an hour, even an hour, before they go to sleep. And then we’ve got sleep maintenance insomnia, so these are people who wake up between about 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. They seem to go off to sleep okay, but then they wake up and then they have disturbed sleep after that.

I’ll give you a couple of tips on both of these types. With the sleep onset insomnia, it’s important for you to exercise, particularly exercise in the morning and also maybe go for a walk in the afternoon. And learn how to relax more. Have a relaxation session in the afternoons around 2 p.m., 3 p.m., or 4 p.m. for about 15 or 20 minutes. I’ll do more videos on what I call TPM or twenty peaceful minutes to give you an insight on how important these relaxation sessions are.

By chilling out in the early hours of the afternoon, by exercising in the morning, your body is going to get more tired. You’re going to be in a more relaxed state and especially if you get a piece of paper and start writing down tasks and things that you have to do sometime in the late morning or early afternoon. And then just before you nod off to sleep, tell yourself that everything is going to be fine. You’ve written everything down. You can relax now.

When you lie down, whether you’re having a relaxation session or sleep, never think about problems that require solutions. Think about pleasant things. You don’t have to think about counting sheep but think about something nice and this will often allow your mind to wander and start preparing itself for the sleep cycle. When you think about problems, it stimulates the production of hormones required to solve those problems, and those hormones can be quite stimulatory, so it’s not a good idea to think about problems at all. Think about problems when you wake up in the morning because that’s when your hormone called cortisol is at its peak usually around about 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., and this hormone will really help sharpen your brain, so think about problems in the morning. This is usually the best time to exercise. The best time to think. The best time to plan is morning. Not nighttime.

The other thing with the sleep onset insomnia is don’t take your iPad to bed. Don’t sit in bed with a laptop or watching TV. These are dumb things to do because they’re stimulating your mind. Again, you’re creating hormones that will keep you awake and fired up. Watching shooting movies or what I call pedophile serial killer films and all this crap on TV, it’s not a good idea to watch this stuff at night. It just stimulates the brain too much. Drinking alcohol. Having caffeine. Arguing with people. All these sorts of things disturb you and keep your brain active for hours after, so not a good idea.

The sleep maintenance insomnia tends to tell me that you’ve got high levels of stress hormones usually in the early part of the morning when you should have low levels, so cortisol should be at the low point until about 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. You should have plenty of melatonin working there in the brain to keep you in a rested state. Take 400 milligrams of magnesium just before bedtime. That will help a lot with the sleep maintenance insomnia. Sometimes it can also be caused by low blood sugar, so having a little piece of meat or cheese or some sort of protein will often help just when you’re going to bed. If you do wake up and can’t go to sleep, get out of bed. Go and sit down in the lounge and read the telephone book, the Bible, or a boring book like that and you’ll fall asleep pretty quick.

Again, if you’ve got high levels of stress hormones early in the morning, it’s best that you do these relaxation sessions in the afternoon for about 15 to 20 minutes. I call them twenty peaceful minute sessions and they work quite well. Again, stimulants are not a good idea. Any kind of sleeping problems just drop the caffeine. Drop the alcohol. Don’t take sleeping pills. It’s easy to become dependent on pills. It’s not good for your long-term wellbeing.

I hope that gives you a few insights into sleeping problems. Remember, if you can’t sleep well, you can’t be well. You have to get your sleep sorted. This is a very important video for those who can’t recover from Candida and you have sleeping problems. This could be the thing you’ve been looking for. If you get the sleep fixed, your immune system will power up a lot more and you’ll be able to conquer this thing a lot more easily.

Thanks for tuning in.

Before you leave the page make sure to watch My TOP 5 Candida Fighting Foods. I share my 5 favorite foods that beat candida overgrowth. The video is on my youtube channel and you can click here to watch it. Let me know if you have any other questions.