Why Should I Take Probiotic Enzyme For Candida Treatment?

Thank you for tuning into this video today. Today we’re going to talk a bit about enzymes and probiotics. I’ve got a question here from Frank in Boise, Idaho. That’s in America, I believe, Idaho. Frank wants to know a little bit about acidophilus probiotics and enzymes. Are they good? How should we use them and things like that?

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Lots of websites you look at promote probiotics for a Candida yeast infection claiming that they’re very good. They boost up immune function. They often will market certain types of probiotics. Other websites will talk about enzymes. They’ll talk about antifungals. They’ll talk about oregano. All different kinds of products.

Probiotics are commonly known by a lot of people now. It’s common knowledge that they are, in fact, a very good supplement to use with a Candida yeast infection or any kind of a gut problem, and in fact, any kind of immune problem. And lots of research is coming out now. There was a recent paper published in 2009 by the University of Pennsylvania, I believe, actually mentioning that probiotics have now shown to have a very good boosting effect on a person’s immune function. There are similar research papers that came out anywhere between 1999 right up into 2010 that show the same thing from many universities around the U.S., Germany, Switzerland and even Japan. Japan’s been studying probiotics for a long time now.

Why they’re good for Candida. How should you take them? Are they necessary? I think they are necessary for several reasons. One of the main reasons is as you’re probably well aware of is they boost immune function because they allow the digestive system to produce the correct pH, for example, and also help to release small amounts of acetic acid, tiny little bits of that get released, which help to adjust the pH of the gut to allow the beneficial bacteria to grow.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is probably one of the most common probiotics that people take. And a good quality lactobacillus acidophilus is going to help you quite a lot. Lactobacillus plantarum is another very good strain. But don’t get sucked into products like Yakut, for example, like these probiotic drinks or people who really try to say that their way is the highway. If you know what I mean, like their probiotic is the only one. Some people say this one contains so many trillions of zillions of bacteria more than this one and it works better.

Generally, you need to be careful when you buy a probiotic and make sure that it’s from a reputable company or a person that you can trust. Because research in America showed not long ago that over half the probiotics sold most of them are, in fact, dead or contain not even viable organisms. This created a huge shake up of the whole industry, so you need to be very careful.

Probiotics and enzymes work well together when they’re put in a very good formula. Enzymes, I believe, are a very necessary part of Candida recovery. They really allow us to improve our digestive function to a marked degree, particular when our stomach and our pancreatic function needs to be improved. Most people my age, 50 plus, usually have got a poor functioning digestive system from stress, alcohol, eating at weird hours, all those sorts of factors that can really affect their digestive health. And if digestion is not working well, it allows the bad bacteria and the Candida fungi to really take off and come into their own right.

Throw on top of this mix meat containing antibiotics because there’s so many antibiotics used in meat now in America and in Australia and different countries, especially in the poultry industry. They use an incredible amount of antibiotics. It’s not just the antibiotics we take in through the doctor, but also through our food chain. This is going to compromise our gut quite a lot. So probiotics and enzymes do form a necessary part of supplementation for a yeast infection.

I’m currently working on an outstanding probiotic enzyme combination. Don’t waste your money by just taking probiotics on their own. Waste of time. Don’t waste your money taking enzymes on their own. Take a combined product with enzymes and probiotics. It’s going to work much more powerfully. It’s going to save you money. The three core products I recommend you take with a yeast infection, antifungal, probiotic enzymes, and a special multivitamin developed to help build up the gut and the overall health after a yeast infection or in the terminal stages, so you can really build up good health.

I just had a look at Lisa Richard’s Candida diet website, and she says there, there are three core elements that you need to look at with Candida yeast infection recovery. She says, ‘Diet, antifungals, and probiotics.’ Well, I think she’s wrong. I would say lifestyle first and foremost is a priority. That usually needs to be changed. Diet needs to be improved. Antifungals. Probiotic enzymes, multivitamins. So I think these five core elements are what it’s all about.

Many people like Lisa Richards tend to completely forget about lifestyle with patients. Without correct lifestyle modification, you’re not going to permanently recover from a yeast infection. You’re going to improve. And then what’s going to happen within one to two years? You’re going to get it back again. You’re going to need more treatment.

If you look at Candida Crusher, the book that I wrote, it talks a lot about lifestyle in there. Lifestyle is one of the core factors involved in recovery. And, of course, diet’s important, but I don’t really believe it’s the overriding factor. Supplementation is important, but it’s not the number one thing you need to look at. In my opinion, probably 20 to 25 percent of recovery hinges on a good quality supplement regime. It’s not the be all end all. But if you haven’t got the lifestyle and diet right, you’re wasting your time, absolutely wasting your time.

I hope this answers your question, Frank in Idaho there about the probiotic enzyme. It certainly makes a lot of sense. Take it twice per day, particularly for the first month or so. Usually with breakfast and with dinner. Always take probiotic enzymes with food. And after a few weeks, we usually bump it up to three times per day depending on your gut function.

I hope that explains a few things to you. Thank you.

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