Thanks for tuning in. I’ve got a question here today from a patient in New York. Eric, how do I take a Candida antifungal? Okay, let’s answer that one.
There’s many different ways you can take antifungals, that kind of products. Remember, I don’t really like the term “antifungal” because a lot of people with Candida also have lots of different strains of bad bacteria or what we call “commensal bacteria.” It’s bacteria that can be good or bad. Oftentimes, when a person’s had a digestive problem, particularly with a yeast infection, for quite a few years, they will have developed many different types of strains of bad bacteria in their digestive system, along with fluctuating levels of Candida. Not just Candida albicans but different types of Candida, and there will also be parasites in there as well.
The longer you’ve been unwell, the more cautious you need to be. The more the symptoms you’ve got, the more cautious you need to be, particularly if there’s strong presenting symptoms. If you’re a very sensitive person, you need to go very easy on any dietary supplement, not just an antifungal. We’re talking also fish oils, vitamin C, magnesium, glucosamine, any kind of supplement you take, you need to be careful with.
In my book, Candida Crusher, I wrote about the three kinds of patients I see. The normal people probably like you and me that can take different things quite well; the sensitive people who need to be careful with things because they will have some sensitivities to certain foods and supplements; and then the super sensitive, and these are people that are the extreme reactors because they react very violently to small amounts of things. When it comes to taking an antifungal, you first have to work out are you normal, are you sensitive, are you super sensitive? And then you can work from that basis on.
Generally, average people like you and me can usually take an antifungal two to three times per day with meals, no problem at all. Even if they’ve had Candida a long time, they may want to work in with one tablet for three days with a meal. Then one tablet twice a day for the next three days. Then after about a week, they can go to three doses per day. That would probably be about 60 percent of the patients I see. For the remaining 40 percent, probably about a good 35 percent of those would be sensitive people, so they may want to start on one tablet a day for a week. Even break a tablet in half.
I keep using the word “tablet” and that’s because I believe that the best antifungal is a tablet not a capsule. Tablet because you can get twice as much in it, you can compress it. Also because you can add a sustained release component to this product to make it last a lot longer in the digestive system to give you a much longer rate of inhibition rather than just take a capsule.
For that reason, I developed Canxida. You can go to and check that out. It took a long time to develop this product and a long time to source the correct raw materials, but I certainly do really believe that it’s the best antifungal Candida supplement currently anywhere on the market. And that’s the feedback I’m getting from people who’ve used every single product out there.
I looked at capsules and I started to use capsules a long time ago with patients to get rid of Candida, but I found they were nowhere near as effective as tablets. You have to take way more product. You don’t seem to get the effect. The other concern I have with capsules is because they open quickly and release their contents in the gut. Bingo! You get very strong side effects with these products. If you want to cruise toward a bad die off reaction, take antifungal capsules and you certainly will notice that. With tablets, it doesn’t happen that quickly because you tend to get a much slower rate of breakdown and a more protectable prolonged phase where its sustained release breaks down slowly. These products tend to be better for a wide range of people who are taking them.
If you know you’re sensitive, just start slow. Don’t take the antifungal product away from the food if you’re sensitive or very sensitive especially. With a tablet, you can even get a tablet cutter from your pharmacy and cut it in three, four or even six pieces and just take a slice of that if you’re super sensitive. I’ve got some patients that are so sensitive that they can literally just smell the Canxida product several times and end up with a bad headache from that because of the sensitivity. Those are the sorts of people that often have violent reactions toward different foods in their diet as well. They make up a very, very small minority of people. By far the bulk of people we see, can take dietary supplements not a problem at all.
Start off with your doses, since usually if you’re sensitive or super sensitive, take it with your evening meal. But if you’re not sensitive at all like me, then just take one with breakfast, one with lunch, and one with dinner. You do that for three days and see how you feel. If you feel like you’ve got digestive upsets or you feel unwell in any way, you cut back to two tablets and you maintain that for another week or so and see how you feel. If that’s again a little bit too much, back off to one. But generally after about 14 days, you can take three doses per day.
How long do you need to take antifungals? My answer is how long is a piece of rope? The answer to that question varies dramatically from patient to patient. I’ve got many patients that respond very well to Canxida over about a 12-week period, so three months generally is enough for most people to create a huge big swing around. I’ve seen that with stool tests with Candida and antibody tests and the spit test and various other tests where they’ve taken the product for 12 weeks and then the tests all started normalizing, coming back as okay.
I’ve had other patients, however, that need to take the product for 12 months, people who’ve been sick for a long period of time that may want to go on holidays, for example, and not take the product or for various other reasons they don’t want to take it for a prolonged period of time. They may want to take it for 12 weeks and stop for four to six weeks and take it again for another 12 weeks. There are no hard and fast rules.
When you take a good combined antifungal like Canxida, you don’t need to rotate antifungals, which I think is a stupid idea. You shouldn’t have to stop one, start another. Taking a combined product with the very best ingredients in it, there’s no rotation required. We’re talking something with undecenoic acid, Caprylic acid, garlic, clove extract, grapefruit seed extract, everything in there. And that’s how an antifungal should be. It should be comprehensive. It should be sustained release and powerful, and it’s going to do the job. And it’s going to do the job for a lot less money than taking a whole bunch of different pills. Keep that in mind.
There’s no real one way to take an antifungal. There’s dozens of different ways. You need to find what the correct path is for you, and you only do that by trial and error, by experimentation, by working what works for you. Your naturopath or your doctor can help you on the right track as far as dosage is concerned, but you’re the one that has to work out how much to take and how long to take it for.
I hope that answers your question. Thanks for tuning in.