Greeting! New Zealand naturopath, Eric Bakker. Author of Candida Crusher. Formulator of the Canxida range of products. I have a YouTube question here from a subscriber who just wishes to be called Tania. Tania was asking the question, “Eric, I’m getting crazy gas and bloating after consuming meat. Would it be a yeast infection?”
Tania, if straight up know that you’re getting a problem with a particular kind of food or food group, the first thing you would start doing is probably back right off that food group and maybe even change that food group entirely. With your meat, my question to you would be what kind of meat are you consuming? How much are you consuming? Are you chewing it properly? Are you eating it for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Are you eating it with other kinds of foods? Have you recently increased the amount of meat you’re eating? Have you changed the way that you cook the meat? Have you taken a course of antibiotics prior to eating the meat? Have you been on any medication from your doctor? There’s questions for you. Lots of questions.
Generally, with a consultation, all of those questions are answered and then I can get some sort of an idea or direction on where the primary problem is.
For starters, crazy gases and bloating, a very important thing to know is how long after consumption of meat do these crazy gases and bloating occur? If they occur immediately after eating the meat, we can probably work out two things. One of them is it’s probably got more to do with your stomach or upper digestion. The second interesting thing that a lot of people aren’t aware. When you eat a food and you get crazy bloating or digestive discomfort right away, that can also mean your bowels aren’t functioning properly. I’ve worked out with a lot of patients that when they chew food and swallow it and get pain, it could also be the bowel playing up. Because you will get a stimulation between the chewing and swallowing and bowel function. The bowel will tend to move and try to move its contents or what we call peristalsis and that will be activated with chewing and swallowing automatically, that reflex activation occurs.
If you’re a person who’s blocked up or constipated or not going very regularly to the toilet, you can get a lot of pain and bloating in the upper part of the stomach if the lower part is not functioning properly. Does that make sense? This is something many people don’t talk about. Generally, healthy people will eat a meal and not long after have a bowel motion. If you look at animals, animals usually want to relieve themselves very quick after eating and so do babies and young children. Adults tend to lose that reflex, but I’ve certainly noticed this connection if you’ve got some degree of irritable bowel constipation that can cause bloating and gas.
Bloating. Let’s have a look at bloating. If you’re getting bloating down here, it usually means fermentation in most cases. We call that dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is a problem with how the body is handling food. Fermentation will mean the production of air and gas. That can occur with bad bacteria, lack of beneficial bacteria or different kinds of fungi that can live inside the body.
It’s amazing how many species of yeast I find with stool testing. Incredibly a different array of yeast that can affect a person. But generally, the Candida species are the ones I find linked with the bloating. We’ve got other kinds called geotrichum, trichophyton. These tend to be a different kind of a yeast with more filaments in them and they will create a different kind of sensation rather than the bloating. I also find that it’s more people with the skin kinds of infections or jock itch more so I would with the bloating. Candida Albicans or Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis. There are different Candida species that can cause the bloating.
Bloating often goes with gas. If you’ve got lots of flatulence and bloating together would certainly mean you’ve got a lot of fermentation dysbiosis. In that case, it can often occur with a change of diet. If you’re starting to change your diet too rapidly or you’ve consumed alcohol or a large carbohydrate meal the day before or two days prior, you’re going to get bloating and gas. Sometimes even not chewing food properly can give you bloating or gas by allowing the body to struggle with how it breaks that kind of food down. Chewing is extremely important to prevent bloating and gas from occurring in the bottom.
Should you drink water with meals? Yes or no? That’s up to you. The jury is out on that one. Some people say never drink with meals. Others say drink with meals. Personally, I don’t drink any water with meals, but I drink after a meal. I tend to drink a lot of water in the morning when I get up. I find that a good time to drink. I often just drink during the day, especially if I work outside. I come inside and have two glasses of water routinely. It’s up to you. You’ll soon work out if the drinking relieves the bloating or not. Carbohydrate meals, large amounts consumed, especially under a stressful situation can often cause bloating. Parasites can also cause bloating.
With the meat, one trick you could try as I mentioned, reduce the amount you eat. Try a different meat. And the other one you can do is try an enzyme because digestive enzymes really help to break down the meat properly. Check out my product called Canxida Restore. It’s got seven different kinds of enzymes in there and six kinds of probiotics, so that’s going to help bust the meat down more effectively. The probiotic will allow you to recolonize the gut more effectively. That product should help you, too.
Try fish. Try chicken. Move away maybe from beef, lamb or pork. I’m not a big fan of pork or ham. I find those meats a bit hard to digest. I find good quality organic lamb to be a good meat. I will tend to buy the pieces like the leg and then bone them out rather than chops with all the fat in them. I just prefer to eat the muscle meat when it comes to lamb. Otherwise, try fish. Fish generally doesn’t cause any kind of bloating when you eat it unless you’re eating a high fat fish like salmon and you’re eating too much and maybe you’ve got a bit of liver congestion.
Play around. See how you go. And the other one you could do is try eggs. Eggs may not cause any bloating at all. They don’t usually do that. If the gut’s not leaky, you shouldn’t have a problem with egg consumption at all. It’s a great protein to eat. I hope that answers your questions and that you get some benefit from that. Thanks for tuning in and thanks for your question.