Why Most Medical Doctors Ignore Candida Diagnosis?

Thanks for tuning into this video today. I often get asked different questions regarding why medical doctors don’t pick up or diagnose Candida in their patients. Here’s a question I got asked recently from a patient. Eric, what are the key reasons why medical doctors so often miss the Candida diagnosis?
You have to understand that western medicine is practiced entirely different from the way that natural medicine, health care professionals like myself work.
They tend to have the pharmaceutical interests at heart. When you think of the pharmaceutical industry, it tends to dominate medical practice. It dominates because of many different reasons. Pharmaceutical profits tend to be very, very big and, in fact, the pharmaceutical industry and the chemical industry, in particular, tend to have the highest profits of any industry globally currently. When that kind of money is on the table, a lot of common sense really goes down the toilet, in my opinion. All the effort really goes into symptom prescribing, not in addressing the causation.

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What’s the point in fixing people up and addressing causes? If you fix causes up, you don’t have any more symptoms to treat. It sounds a bit cynical. I can tell you now; I’ve spent over half my life in health care. I’ve worked in many medical centers and I believe this to be a fact. Let’s look at the four key reasons why medical doctors tend to ignore the Candida diagnosis.

One of them apart from these four reasons is that Candida really is a functional problem. It’s not exactly pathology. Most patients we’ve seen don’t show very strong signs and symptoms of a disease as such, but they have functional problems. They have things like bloating, gas. They have headaches. They have fatigue. They might have blurry vision or brain fog. And when test results don’t come back showing anything positive, the doctor’s going to say, “Go home. Just take an aspirin or take an anti-depressant. They’re nothing wrong with you.”

Doctors prescribe drugs that cause Candida. That’s number one. When you’re actually giving an antibiotic or allowing a woman to remain on the oral contraceptive pill, you’re actually playing into Candida with many patients. Antibiotics are the scourge of medicine in my opinion. They’re a terrible drug and they create a lot of disease in their own right. We’ve got now the age of the “superbugs.” We’ve even got diseases, bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. There’s an incredible amount of antibiotics that go into the food chain as well as into humans through the way of pharmaceutical prescribing.
When you’re giving a drug that causes Candida or has a potential to cause it, it’s almost like you’re selling alcohol and turning a blind eye to the violence and carnage caused by alcohol. You’re really responsible for something. If you’re responsible for causing something, why are you going to turn around then and try to remedy that? Think about that. That’s number one.

Number two. Patients have to be diagnosed before they can be treated. As I mentioned earlier on, if you can’t diagnose a disease, if you’re a doctor, you can’t treat the disease. We don’t care so much about diagnoses as naturopaths. We just tend to treat patients. We always look for the causes and try to eliminate the reasons why people get sick, and we allow the body to heal itself. We don’t always have to know exactly what name a disease has when we treat somebody. We tend to treat the dysfunctional lifestyle patterns and the terrible diets many people have, and we allow nature to take its course. Isn’t it common sense?

Number three. Doctors disallow a patient’s subjective feelings. This is very common. It’s very important for me to listen very carefully to what a patient tells me. For this reason, a new client will take an hour often because I need to let that person talk about how she feels, what she’s eating, what her lifestyle is like. In a five or ten minute slot in a medical clinic, you don’t really allow people any time to open up and share their subjective feelings with you. Subjective feelings are not important to most doctors. It’s the objective that’s important to them. What they can see. What they can test. What they can prove for their own eyes and their own brain what’s wrong with the patient. When you think about it, the patients almost become like a bystander or a participant in a game the doctor’s playing to get rid of their disease. Instead of actively participating in their own healing, it’s taken away from them because they’re given drugs. There’s a lot of collateral damage that goes on, that kind of carnage.

The fourth one. Doctor’s work with normal ranges of testing prescribed for symptoms. Medical doctors always test. They have to test. They like to test because then they’re trying to push the results back to the normal range. The ranges, in my opinion, vary dramatically from patient to patient. Many doctors get trapped in a cycle of just treating paper instead of people, and that’s a real trap. In a lot of the cases, patients don’t even need testing when it comes to functional or digestive disorders. You need to carefully listen to what’s going on with them and make changes where changes need to be made. Experience helps.
When you’ve treated a lot of people, you generally have developed a sixth sense and you will know how to get people right. Test results sometimes don’t really pan out. I often use the phrase “paralysis from analysis.” If you’re just treating paper, you’re forgetting there’s a living person in front of you.

Those are four reasons why medical doctors often miss the Candida diagnosis. Candida is very real. We’ve read many different studies even in prestigious mainstream like the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine. We know that Candida exists. Just like we know adrenal fatigue exists, but often medical people pay no attention to syndromes. They’d rather treat symptoms instead.

I hope that answers your question about why doctors don’t recognize Candida as a condition that needs treating. Thanks for tuning in.

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