Greetings. New Zealand naturopath, Eric Bakker, author of Candida Crusher and formulator of the Canxida range of dietary supplements. Thanks for checking out my videos. I really appreciate it out there. I’m getting lots of subscribers. I’m getting good comments. I really appreciate your support. And it’s for people like you that I do these videos. I’ve seen patients for a long time now, and I’m really enjoying sharing some of my knowledge and information with you folks out there. This is going to be quite a different video. Quite an unusual one in that it doesn’t fit the mold. It doesn’t really fit what you would normally expect someone to talk about with health.
I read quite a lot of different books. Different books on various aspects on health and motivation, and I’m always trying to find new ways to break through to people. We had a meet and greet day the other afternoon, actually. We caught up with the neighbors and I met some new neighbors that have moved in our street and a very cool guy. I asked him what kind of a job he had and he said, “I was a parole officer for 20 years.” And I said, “Well, what’s that all about? That’s working with prisoners and stuff like that, isn’t it? And working with offenders, rapists and murderers and robbers and all sorts of weird people.”
And he said, “Yeah.” And then he said, “I really like my job because it gives me a chance to help reform people. It gives me a chance to get people back on the right track.” He said, “I love my job because I really like helping people out.” I said, “That’s quite interesting because I quite like my job and I think there are a few parallels here between my kind of work and your kind of work.” And he said, “Well, what do you mean by that?” I said, “Well, actually a lot of people I see need to go on probation or on parole, too, with the kind of work I do.” And he said, “Well, how is that?” And I said, “Well, sick people often need the time to readjust and get back into society again because they’ve been unwell for some time.”
So I consider my work a little bit almost like what he does. Not that I’m calling you guys criminals out there. Please don’t take that the wrong way. I often see people who’ve been sick or have developed an illness almost like a crime scene. You could almost say that you’ve developed some kind of problem and a part of my role is being like a kind of health detective to try to find out all the facts surrounding that crime scene for want of a better word. If we put that whole criminal aspect together with disease, we could almost think about it that people who’ve been sick for a long, long time almost need to go on parole. And people who’ve been sick for not such a long time or haven’t got like seriously chronic Candida or gut problems need to go on probation.
Let’s explain a little bit about the difference between parole and probation. Probation and parole are both alternatives to incarceration or a prison term. However, probation occurs prior to and often instead of jail or prison time, while parole is an early release from prison. In both probation and parole, the party is supervised and expected to follow certain rules and guidelines. Did you like that? Expected to follow certain rules and guidelines.
When you’re trying to recover from chronic Candida and you’ve got an early release from prison time, i.e., many people in my business I think are what I call the “food police” or the “Candida Nazis” as I call them. “This is forbidden. You can’t do this and you can’t eat oats for breakfast. You can’t eat gluten.” It’s almost like they’re the sergeant major and you’re in jail and you’re told what to do. That’s not how I work with people. I would prefer for patients to find their own way and to find out what works for them and what doesn’t work for them. Because you’re not in jail in the terms of “incarceration,” but sometimes when you’re chronically sick, you almost feel like you’re in prison. You’re alienated from society. You will become smaller. You develop more anxiety and depression. You cut yourself off from a lot of people around you. That’s almost like a kind of jail term, wouldn’t you agree.
The chronically sick people, I think, who’ve been sick a long time and who are starting to slowly improve, need to have some sort of a release back into society, as they improve. I think I would work more with probation with patients than I would with parole. Because parole is quite a touchy one, isn’t it? But probation is, I think, a good alternative to incarceration.
And also, did you note how I said here, “Expected to follow certain guidelines and rules and supervision?” Supervision, a big part of the work I do is consultations with patients, so I supervise patients. I watch what they do. I like to look at their lifestyles. I like to look at their jobs, occupations, their mode of living, how they sleep, how they eat, how they relate to people. I look at all that kind of stuff. What works them up? What stresses them out? It’s not just all about what you eat. I’m getting sick and tired of all these videos that I look at that’s all about food and food and food. I can tell you guys out there that food only forms a small part of well-being.
All these blog sites you look at. All the social media stuff. Everything online is targeted towards food, but what about eating in front of the TV, watching murders, and all this ISIS stuff, bombings, planes getting shot down and stuff like that as you’re eating your food. Should you be doing that? Should you be eating food over a computer? This to me is part of the supervision I have as being a responsible practitioner to help integrate you back away from a life of crime or Candida, back into a life of a healthy, functioning normal person like me.
That’s what I try to do is to assist with this probation process. Is to get you away from this disease mode. Is to get you away from thinking about sickness, talking about sickness, researching sickness, going onto Facebook, community groups, going onto Twitter, buying into all this stuff. The more you become sickness focused, the harder it will become for you to become wellness oriented. That’s one of the important points I want to bring across with this video.
Part of my handholding approach as a practitioner is to guide you away from a lot of this Dr. Google. I can see so many people making the same mistakes, calling me up, “Oh, my god. I saw some white specks in my stool. Have I got liver flukes?” Or people start panicking and they freak out. One lady started to take a B vitamin complex and then emailed me saying that she was dying of kidney cancer. I said, “Why is that?” And she said, “Well, my urine is coming out all yellow and green. I must be dying of some kind of kidney cancer. Went onto Symptom Finder on the internet and I went right through the whole symptoms thing and it said I could have kidney cancer.” Be careful.
Certain rules and guidelines. Certain rules and guidelines you can read about at You can read about the different guidelines, which I like patients to follow on their step to recovery. Parole, the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the sentence period. Some practitioners you see like chiropractors or acupuncturists or people like me may give you a sentence and say, “It’s going to take you one to two years to get well.” Let’s look at that metaphorically. That could be almost like a sentence.
A provisional lease for you if you are on parole is to abide by certain terms and conditions on that release. Let’s just say you’ve been very sick and you’ve seen a few practitioners, a couple of good people have given you some good advice on your recovery. If you are a prisoner and you repeat offend, you’ll go back to jail. If you’re on parole from Candida or a seriously bad illness and you’re improving and you start doing some dumb things, you’re not going to go back to jail, obviously, but you could plunge back into a severe Candida problem again. And that’s going to put you into a tailspin and create a lot of anxiety and a lot of problems.
This is the trap lots of patients fall into whether they’re on probation or parole. They recover. They partially recover. Events occur in their life. Could be weddings. Could be birthdays. Could be Thanksgiving. And they go crazy. They go crazy. They’ll have 10 beers and they’ll have three pieces of cake and they’ll stay up late and they’ll do that one or two nights and then they’ll plunge back again and they’ll get very sick and very depressed. Be very careful because this is big flaw that many people make, and I think people make this in the criminal world and they make it in the real world without talking about crimes. They actually do that as well when they’re noncriminal like me, and they’re recovering, they commit these partial offenses. They don’t stay clean long enough to really fully recover. That’s the point I want to make in this crazy video about parole and probation.
You need to prove to yourself and to the community around you and your friends and family that you can stay good, inadvertent offenses. Get plenty of rest. Drink plenty of water. Keep away from people that pull you down or the negative people, the energy suckers. Make sure that your job doesn’t piss you off too much. That you’ve got a job that you enjoy. Make sure that you don’t push yourself too hard. That you don’t have these crazy expectations of yourself to do so many things in one day. Make sure you follow a good healthy diet. Don’t eat to excess. Make sure you avoid alcohol and avoid stupid things like smoking tobacco or taking drugs.
Be careful of the friendships you cultivate. Because you may hang around with some people that have committed crimes, bad crimes, again, inadvertent offenses. People who drink a bottle of wine three or four times a week, committing these offenses around you, which drag you back down into that pool of crime again. And that’s why probation is a good thing. That’s why parole is a good thing. Supervision. You can supervise yourself or have a close friend supervise you. And say, “Hey, come on. You’re slipping off the track her. You need to tidy things up again.”
Think about this video carefully if you are a person who is recovering or really wants to recover. Do you need supervision? Can you supervise yourself? Do you need a close friend to help supervise you? That’s the message I want to bring across in this video.