I believe they can. And some practitioners may argue with me about this point, but I’ve seen many cases of women with acute yeast infections that became chronic. They basically were driven into the body by using different types of applicators and creams, and over a period of time, the female developed endometriosis.
I’ve seen this many times occurring. So endometriosis can obviously lead you towards the path of infertility. When you start pushing that yeast infection through the cervix and the endometrium, you’re going to obviously get an immune reaction. Endometriosis is an autoimmune condition and you can get potential cyst developments and ovarian problems. It can certainly predispose you to infertility. If you’ve got a yeast infection, get on top of it. That’s my advice. Get rid of it, and it can be possible.
Have a look at Chapter 5 in my book, Candida Crusher, and you can read all about how to get rid of a chronic yeast infection. It’s a very popular chapter of my book and it’s helped many women get on top of infections they’ve had for a long, long time.
So if you’ve got an infection, get onto it now, because small problems become big problems. Whether it’s a mortgage, you know, that you’re not servicing a loan, health problem you’re turning a blind eye to, get onto it now. It’s easy to fix a little problem than try and fix a major problem down the track.