Candida Question #51 What Do I Do If I Am Pregnant And I Have A Yeast Infection?

It’s not uncommon to have a thrush or yeast infection when you are pregnant. It’s something that I do routinely see in women who are pregnant, looking at conception, or are breastfeeding.

So, when you are pregnant and you have a yeast infection, a clever thing for you to do is to start making some dietary changes. I would not recommend that you take any medical anti-fungals and be careful to take any natural anti-fungals. Some of these products can be quite strong and predispose you to increasing your risk of having issues, particularly in the first trimester. If you are pregnant, be very careful in the first trimester. As the pregnancy progresses, still be careful, of course, but there are many different options that you have got.

You can, for example, do some gentle douching or some cleansing there with some Calendula or some tea tree oil. I would advise caution there with any type of these protocols until you talk obviously with your health care practitioner. Obviously, no alcohol, no sugary foods, eating more garlic, having coconut oil, there are many different things you can do to help get on top of your yeast infection if you’re pregnant.

You can read a lot more about these in my book, Candida Crusher, particularly Chapter 5 would give you a lot of good information on how to get on top of your chronic vaginal yeast infection. Chapter 4 is really devoted to what I call the quick start guide which will give you a lot of quick ideas.

Don’t freak out too much. There are a lot of things you can do to relieve the itching or the discomfort. So there is plenty you can do there. Don’t get too concerned about it.

Candida Question #48 How Long It Takes For Fluconazole To Work?

Good day, Erick Bakker here, naturopath, author of Candida Crusher with another frequently asked question. This one regards a pharmaceutical drug of fluconazole, an anti-fungal drug that many people are familiar with.

The way for me to answer that question would be to ask you, have you taken it before? What results did you get with it before? What’s the shape of your body? What dosage are you taking? What’s the health of your digestive system when you take it? How bad is your yeast infection?

There are many variables here. But fluconazole doesn’t take that long to work. It can work very quickly, a matter of days. My concern with fluconazole is your body soon gets used to this drug and when the fungus comes back, it will come back stronger and mutate requiring longer fluconazole usage, high dosages of fluconazole, and some of my patients take this drug once a week for years on end; a ridiculous thing to do.

If something works and then stops working, you should stop taking it. You don’t keep taking higher and higher dosages. Fluconazole has a big effect on the body in general. It can create nausea and liver toxicity and multiple side effects. It’s not something I recommend that you take. There are many strong natural things that you can take which counter yeast infections.

I’d like you to have a look in my book, Candida Crusher, Chapter 7, particularly Section 4 of that book where I explain about the special foods and also the special dietary supplements which are going to counter your yeast infection much more effectively than fluconazole without side effects but also without the resistance that the yeast will build toward these things.

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