Candida Question #34 Can A Vaginal Yeast Infection Be Passed To A Man And Cause A Prostate Infection?

Yes it can. It is possible and I’ve certainly seen it in the clinic on several occasions. It’s not as common as many people think it is, but it certainly does occur.

While Candida albicans is not necessarily a sexually-transmitted disease, it can be passed from male to female and female to male. And I have had some instances, which I’ve written one of these case studies in my book, Candida Crusher, regarding a 27-year-old male from a New Zealand rock band, a drummer, with quite a serious prostate infection. When we had his girlfriend checked out by the doctor, she had a rampant Candida infection. We eventually got rid of his yeast infection over a period of time through dietary change and also some dietary supplements helped eradicate the yeast infection.

So precautions need to be taken with hygiene. And it is certainly possible to move Candida around through sexual activity. So for females with a vaginal yeast infection, I would recommend that you take precautions in a relationship with your partner to stop the spread of Candida.

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