Getting Rid Of Candida Parasites

Greetings. It’s New Zealand naturopath, Eric Bakker, author of Candida Crusher. Thank you for checking out my video today. I’ve got a question here from a lady called Jennifer Curry in Melbourne, Australia. Jennifer is wanting to know if she can quickly get rid of her parasites in a few weeks. She’s had a stool analysis, which has shown various kinds of parasites. Let’s talk a little bit about parasites in this video. A little bit about the different kinds and I’m going to talk a little bit about the three main areas of concern with parasites. And then further, I’ll go into what I believe is it possible to cure parasites in a very short period of time.

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Parasites are very problematic for a lot of people. When people hear the word “parasite,” they immediately think about worms crawling all through the body. That comes to the mind of a lot of people. The word “parasite” makes me think about any kind of organism that’s feeding or living off its host in a relationship that’s not mutually beneficial. If it’s mutually beneficial, it’s symbiotic in taking and giving. But if they’re just taking, it’s a parasite. You might have heard the word “parasite” for some people because some people are parasites. They literally just take and take, but they give nothing back. It’s quite an awful word to use, the word “parasite.”

There are different kinds of parasites and there are worms. Tapeworms are quite a well-known parasite that can grow inside the body. And they can get quite big. They can get many, many feet long and they can live for many years. There’s also hookworms. There’s roundworms. There’s pinworms. For example, pinworms are quite common. I’m just reading here. The most common roundworm in the United States is the pinworm. Worldwide, roughly 209 million people are infected. The most common pinworm signs of infestation is anal itching at night. You probably have heard of this symptom, but maybe experienced it if you’ve got young children yourself. Because many children end up with pinworms. Quite easily treated by the way. Give the kids ground up pumpkin seeds, ground up beet root mixed with carrots, works quite well, and a couple of drops of grapefruit seed extract in a glass of water will have quite a beneficial effect on these sorts of bugs. Watch out for sugar. It’s a big one that will often continue these pinworms.

Blood flukes are very tiny little organisms. They first mature in snails and then they complete their life cycle by burrowing through human skin and swimming through into the veins. They have infected hundreds of millions of people worldwide. There are many species of flukes that are found living in the liver, the lungs, the pancreas. Very hard to diagnose flukes, but many people have them and don’t even know they have them.

Giardia, single cell organism, a little bit like Blastocystis hominis. These little bugs are commonly picked up like blasto when people go traveling. You may have heard of backpacker’s diarrhea or the quick step, all these sorts of names we give for diarrhea that can occur with travel. You have to be very careful, particularly eating things like salads or drinking water when you go to certain countries. So be very careful because it’s easy to pick up Blastocystis. Also from animals that are domesticated or undomesticated because it travels through the feces. Blastocystis is one of the most common of all parasites that I see in people. Parasites are a real problem. Many people have them and don’t even experience overt symptoms. They’ll just get a bit tired. Other people can have parasites and be completely wiped out. Almost like they’re on drugs. Like they’re on anti-psychotic medication. They can feel completely wasted, so you need to be careful.

Let’s look at the three core indications that could signify that you’ve got a parasite problem. The first one is chronic digestive issues. Many people we see with recurring digestive problems can well have a parasite sitting there. Candida, for example, I wouldn’t classify as a parasite because it isn’t an organism that normally occurs in a lot of people. But for many people, it overgrows. Chronic digestive problems can occur with parasites and with Candida as well.

The things I look for. I’ve written a list down here. Gas, bloating, fatigue, digestive pain, any kind of pain around the umbilical area, dull pain, shooting pains in the gut, lots of gas, serious constipation or diarrhea, especially lots of diarrhea and then periods of normal stool and a recurrence of these symptoms. Parasites live in cycles. Like humans live maybe 70 or 80 years, where parasites have got shorter life spans. They grow. They reproduce. They produce offspring. They die. And during these parts of these cycles, they can produce different kinds of symptoms. That’s why a symptom will never always stay the same. But chronic digestive issues, especially if they remain undiagnosed, think about parasites.

Various forms of mental and emotional distress. Cognitive dysfunction, can’t think clearly, get confused easily, very commonly occurs with parasite problems. Anxiety or depression very commonly occurs. How the heck could parasites cause these sorts of problems? Simple. It’s because the gut and the brain are connected. There is a big nerve called the vagus nerve that connects up your digestive system with the base of the brain. It works on what we call the limbic system or part of the stress access.

It’s very easy for us to have a problem in our digestive system that automatically gets transferred to the brain. We’ve got many different receptor sites in the gut that basically rely on the proper uptake of certain hormones produced in the gut that make the brain function properly. Serotonin, for example, and GABA, two important hormones that help us to balance our feelings. When we’ve got a lot of bugs, these receptor sites can’t work properly in the gut. Hormones can’t get taken up and facilitate their function properly and anxiety can occur.

I think I may have done a video explaining about tetracycline, a common antibiotic, was given to a group of people who went onto develop anxiety. This is in the states a few years ago. They did research on it. What they discovered was that the tetracycline blocked the receptors for GABA in the gut. GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid, or a particular hormone that’s produced that helps us to balance anxiety, it couldn’t really be utilized properly, so people developed increasing anxiety on tetracycline. A clear example of the gut/brain connection.

Coming back to it again. It is possible for you to experience anxiety, depression, and mood swings with digestive problems, and especially parasites and a bad yeast infection. If you have got major anxiety disorder or depression or different kinds of mood disorders, a question I would ask you. Do you have digestive problems? If you say, yes, I have got them. Then I would recommend you get a stool test done to find out if there is any link there between these sort of things.

Autoimmune disorders. Very common. There are over 100 autoimmune disorders known. In fact, doctors have got no idea what causes autoimmune disorders. There are so many different kinds of autoimmune disorders and they create inflammation. They create pain. They create fatigue. They create cognitive and emotional dysfunctions. And usually the medical doctor will be giving steroids. They’ll be giving anti-depressants or sleeping pills or drugs like that. But they’re not interested in finding a cause because they don’t know what the cause is.

I’ve always been taught and found through clinical experience. If you can’t work out the root cause of something, what the hell are you doing if you think you’re going to give an accurate treatment because it’s not going to happen. You’re going to try to work out what went wrong with the patient. Autoimmune diseases often have their root cause in an infection. How do I know that? I know that from studying old medical books with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Where in a 1931 book, I spoke about this recently, where one of the professors said, “If you can’t work out why the patient has got this autoimmune disease, look for the hidden infection.” They were quite smart back then. This was just as drug companies were really developing.

If you have got an autoimmune disease, whether it’s Sjogren’s, or scleroderma or rheumatoid arthritis or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or multiple sclerosis or any one of these diseases, try to do a stool test or get some advanced blood testing done. Try to find out if you’ve got any kind of hidden underlying infection or heavy metal toxicity. It could be one of a couple different causes. I found that diseased teeth can sometimes have a link to autoimmune problems. Finding the root cause is certainly a smart idea.

But now, the $64 question Jennifer’s asking “Can parasites be cured in a few weeks?” Well, I don’t think it’s possible to cure parasites in a couple of weeks or even a month or even two months for that matter. Any more than it’s possible to have an absolutely beautiful garden in that same period of time. I keep coming back to the analogy of the digestive system and the garden. Mainly because I’m a gardener. I love growing vegetables and fruits and nice grass and roses and things like that. I just enjoy it. It gives me a lot of satisfaction.

When you look at a garden, it takes a long time to cultivate it. Because you relying on a lot of factors. You’re relying on the weather. The garden needs to be tended to. You need to feed it. You need to weed it. You need to spray something on it. Whether it’s a drug or a natural thing to help balance fungus and pests and things like that. I tend to use sprays like neem. I tend to use seaweed sprays on the leaves to give beautiful lush growth. And people often comment how amazingly big the broccoli is and how incredible the beans grow. It’s all about the quality of the soil.

It’s the same in your system. It’s all about the quality of the blood and the digestive system. If those systems are in very good condition, the garden will tend to look after itself. As you know, it takes a long time to make a garden an absolutely beautiful place. It can take one to two years. That’s about the duration, I think, it takes to really get the gut balanced. Generally, between 6 to 12 months. It’s because you’re looking at a lot of factors that are in your control and not in your control. You can control what you eat, but sometimes you can’t control the stresses around you all that well, and they can certainly affect your inner garden. Those are factors I want you to remember.

When it comes to taking antibiotics or pharmaceutical aids to counter parasites, try to think of it a bit like spraying organophosphates, organochlorines, or carbonates or pesticides in your garden. You’ll get a fantastic effect but at a huge price. Side effects and disease are not uncommon when you use these chemical drugs in your garden. Why would you want to use chemical sprays on something you’re going to eat? You may as well drink the poison. It doesn’t make sense to me.

What are we going to do with the parasites? We need to make these changes to our inner garden. We need to feed the inner garden with the right kind of foods. We need to take away foods that help to encourage the proliferation and reproduction of parasites. You can read all about that on my blog at or look at my videos on that. Count on a good three, four, or six months of treatment for parasites.

Check out my product called Canxida Remove. It’s finally back on the market. You can get it at It’s targeted for parasites, bad bacteria, and yeast infection and it does an awesome job of getting that balance back again. I hope that answers your question, Jennifer, about can you eradicate parasites in a few weeks. You can’t do it realistically. And if you think you can, I think you’re in fantasy land and you maybe need a reality check. Thanks for tuning in.

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