Of course it could be. You don’t necessarily have to have itching when you’ve got a yeast infection. Some yeast infections can drive women absolutely crazy and involve lots of itching. Others can involve more discharge and have minimal or no itching.
But to be on the safe side, I recommend you get diagnosed properly. It would pay to go and have a smear done. Go and see your doctor or gynecologist and get checked out properly to assess what is going on. There could be all sorts of conditions. You could have bacterial vaginosis, it could be Candida, and it could be all sorts of different conditions. First get a diagnosis before you think about treatment.
It could be a yeast infection and a good way is to get checked out. So, I think that’s probably a clever thing for you to do. Then once you’ve worked out what you’ve got, you’re going to be in a better position to know how to treat that particular condition.
For more information, have a look at my book, Candida Crusher. You can read a lot more about that in Chapter 3. I hope that answers your question. Thank you.