Thanks for checking out the video today. I’ve got a question from a patient in Japan, of all places. Can Candida become resistant to garlic?
No. It can’t become resistant to garlic, and there are many, many studies both from your country, in Japan, as well as China, Russia and America that validate garlic as probably one of the best natural antifungals you can use. There are many different compounds in garlic that are proven to have various effects on Candida. From the research I’ve read, it doesn’t appear that a good quality garlic is going to become ineffective against Candida.
One of the most powerful chemicals in garlic is actually created by one of the ingredients itself and an enzyme, so it’s called Ajoene. Ajoene is created when garlic is crushed and a chemical called allicin, which is inside it, mixes with an enzyme called Amylase. It’s a combination of these two things together that create the Ajoene. American research has shown that Ajoene actually is a cell wall disrupter, so it actually disrupts the cell walls of Candida preventing it from forming. Plus allicin itself has shown to actually have very powerful Candida killing effects.
Russian studies from the ‘70s and also more recently from Japan, I believe there was an author called Benjamin Lau, Dr. Benjamin Lau, who wrote a very good book on garlic and showed that garlic had incredibly powerful antifungal effects on many different levels. So it’s not going to be an ineffective product, unlike Nystatin, unlike many of the “zole” drugs, Fluconazole, drugs like that, for example, that become ineffective after a while. The pharmaceutical companies will never match the power of things like grapefruit seed extract or garlic, so garlic can be incorporated into your diet and also taken as a dietary supplement.
I’ve created a product called Canxida and put a two percent allicin containing aged garlic extract in that product along with grapefruit seed extract and other things. The two percent allicin is going to make sure that you’re going to get sufficient antifungal activity in its own right. Make sure that when you do take a garlic extract, it does contain a high percentage of Allicin. Allicin and Alanine together are even better, so that’s why I like people to have raw fresh garlic in their diet, one small clove per day, chopped very finely, or also a small clove swallowed actually as a capsule. That’s another way you can take garlic. And make sure if you do, just gently crush it or scratch it so the digestive juices can get in there and open the garlic up. Garlic will always remain one of the best antifungal treatments for Candida.
I hope that answers your question. Thank you for tuning in.