Can Candida become resistant to Caprylic acid?

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Resistance doesn’t usually occur with natural antifungals at all. We’ve routinely found that with garlic, grapefruit seed extract, undecenoic acid, Caprylic acid, clove, many different things. It’s just not really happening. It happens with pharmaceutical drugs because they’re highly synthesized and resistance can occur. The reason why it doesn’t occur with natural things is that they tend to work on more of a broad-spectrum activity. Even though Caprylic acid works by interfering with cell membranes, Caprylic acid is a fatty acid that contains many different compounds in it that tend to have quite a good shotgun effect on Candida itself, on the cell wall.

If you’re going to look at something like Nystatin, Nystatin is just one purely refined chemical compound with a very narrow band of action. Candida’s not stupid. It can soon work out how to fool this one specific action. It’s probably like a sniper or person with a single bullet firing at a target versus multiple bullets going for that target. There’s a big difference there. Much more chance that the multiple bullets are going to hit the target than the one bullet.

It’s not something I really see as a problem with the Caprylic acid. Undecenoic acid and Caprylic acid are both fatty acids which are best used together to target Candida. These are really long chain fatty acids and the coconut contains lauric acid and different kinds of acids like Caprylic acid. It’s good to include coconut oil in your diet when you’re taking an antifungal supplement for that reason.

Die off doesn’t usually occur. If you’re very careful with these things and start very slowly, you’re not going to get much of a problem. You can incorporate the Caprylic acid any time as an antifungal really in your Candida regime, right at the beginning, the middle, or the end; it doesn’t really matter because this is a food. Don’t see it as a dietary supplement. See it as a food.

The resistance is not really a problem. Go easy on it when you first start and use it in conjunction with other multiple kinds of foods like oregano, thyme, basil, parsley, all these other kind of herbs are good to have in your diet as well. Lots of fresh garlic, include those in your diet. And make sure that your supplement contains Caprylic acid and undecenoic acid at the same time. Even better still, if your supplement contains a little bit of hydrochloric acid in there to help to keep the pH of your stomach low, which will allow better uptake of these things.

I developed a product called Canxida for that exact reason to make sure that you’re going to really absorb this stuff. Because most people who take antifungals don’t usually have the sufficient pH of their stomach or the correct activity to allow it to work really efficiently. Enzymes will work quite well, too, in that regard.

I hope that answers your question about the Caprylic acid. Thanks for tuning in.

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