Greetings! Eric Bakker, naturopath from New Zealand, author of Candida Crusher, formulator of the CanXida range of supplements. Thanks for checking out my video. I have a question here which I discovered in the YouTube comments section from Donna. I believe Donna is a lady from Canada. And Donna has got an interesting question. She wants to know the mistakes to avoid on the Candida Cleanse. What are some of the classic mistakes that people make? Well, I thought about it, Donna, and I think there are four key things that we’re going to talk about.
The first key element mistake that people make is making assumptions they’ve got Candida. They don’t even know whether they’ve got Candida or not. They may read about it through some blog site or look at a YouTube video and think, “I’ve got Candida! I’ve got to get rid of it. That’s what I’ve got. That’s why my hair’s falling out. That’s why I’m going blind.
That’s why I’ve got an itchy bum. That’s why I’m getting fat. That’s why I’m tired. That’s why my libido’s gone.” All these reasons why you may have Candida. So be careful not to make assumptions because my old man used to say, “If you make assumptions, you make an ass out of you and me.” If you assume you make an ass out of you and me. Think about it, okay?
Just getting a glass of water and doing a spit test is not a Candida test. So, just for your information’s sake, Donna, check out our quiz on That will give you some idea if you may have some kind of link with a yeast infection.
The other thing that I need to inform people of is the stool test. That’s actually a science, that’s a culture. The stool gets cultured in a lab to see if they can grow yeast off that stool. If you can actually grow yeast off a stool sample, especially all three samples and there’s many yeasts in all three, you’ve got a big Candida problem. You should not be able to culture live yeasts to do a sample from a healthy person.
While it’s true to say that Candida Albicans is a normally occurring yeast in many peoples’, but not all peoples’ digestive systems. It’s usually dead by the time you pass it out through the stool. So, if we find dead yeast in all three samples, we find live yeast in all three samples, we find multiple species of yeast in samples, we find poor levels of beneficial bacteria that are cultured, we find many different bad bacteria that are cultured, we find parasites, these are all answers which we will get when we do a stool test.
You can spit all you want in a glass of water; you’re not going to find squat about parasites. You’re not going to find anything about beneficial bacteria. You could’ve had three pizzas and a half a gallon of coke the night before-you spit in that glass and that could be all the mucus you built up for other reasons other than Candida in that glass. You may have a problem with your pancreas and stomach. You couldn’t break down all those sugars properly so you coughed up all this mucus. It may not be Candida with the spit test. Be careful. The spit test gives us some indication, but it is not an ironclad guarantee you’ll have a yeast infection.
There are many other tests you can do. You can do antibody blood determination. You can even go to people who do weird kind of stuff like get a little dousing thing over a hair sample. You might as well go to a tarot card reader if you’re going to fall for that sort of crap. Don’t make assumptions. As I said before, half the people that consult me when I test them have got no Candida at all. They’ve got a bad bacterial problem. They’ve been on antibiotics. They didn’t necessarily get Candida overgrowth; they’ve got a bacterial imbalance. Or they nuked or fried all of their beneficial bacteria and there’s nothing there. Or like many patients, they’ve got one big parasite problem. Many people who’ve got parasites in fact think they’ve got Candida. So don’t make assumptions, otherwise you may get… You know what I mean. So not testing and making assumptions is mistake number one. You need to avoid making that mistake. If you’ve been unwell for a long time, and you really believe you’ve got Candida, please do a comprehensive stool analysis including parasitology. Your functional medicine doctor or naturopath will organize that for you. I’m quite sure that he or she will-if not, contact me and I will help you out in that regard.
Number two, ultra-strict diets. This is a mistake many people make. They go on these amazingly tough diets. They’ll go on the SCD diet or the GAPS diet or the FOGMAPS. They’ll go absolutely, “We will eat like this, and we will eat nothing outside of these parameters.” What a load of crap. You live your life like that? Are you ultra-strict about other things in your life, apart from your diet? Are you like Dustin Hoffman in the Rain Man? “It’s nine o’clock. I’m going to go to the toilet.” You don’t live your life like that. Come on. Nobody can live with an ultra-strict regime. Not for long anyway. You’ll get bored, you’ll get sick, you’ll annoy the hell out of people all around you who think you’re a freak when you start eating like this. There’s a difference between eating a healthy diet and an ultra-strict diet.
Now some people I know have an ultra-anal diet, which is a bit different from an ultra-strict diet. Ultra-anal diets are where they weigh every little thing. This banana is weighing one half ounce more than this banana, so I can’t have that in my allowance. For God’s sake, don’t think like that. Don’t weigh everything you eat. Don’t look at packets and count every calorie on every food you eat. You’re not a robot. You’re not an android. You’re a human being. So, ultra-anal is out. Ultra-strict is out.
Once you start really getting highly selective of all the carbs in your diet-I’m talking like really selective, and you start chopping lots and lots of them out, you can actually start going into a ketosis state. Almost like what diabetics do. Many diabetics end up with a yeast infection. Research has also shown that people with very high protein diets who form ketones in their diet as a consequence of carb starvation can actually fuel a yeast infection. So there’s no proof that going on an ultra-strict carb diet is going to save your soul from Candida.
Any kind of food can feed Candida, especially what we’ll look at a little bit later on is when you’re diet focused and you’re not understanding about the stress connection. Because when you become very focused on diet, it becomes a stress in its own right. You annoy the hell out of people around you. You start annoying yourself after a while, it becomes a stress. You can’t live like this for long. Lots of these diets like GAPS and SCD were designed for you to be on for 19 years. They were designed for short duration and to get you the hell off that diet.
I had a patient in Sydney who’s been for nine years on the SCD diet. Nine years! Not only he, he forced his wife and all his children to the point where the son wouldn’t talk to him anymore. This guy annoyed everybody around him. I said, “Well, how do you feel? You’ve been on this SCD diet for nine years.” “I feel terrible!” I said, “Well, then maybe it’s time you got off this crappy diet.” Don’t become too strict with your diet. Loosen up a little bit. Breathe and smell the roses and enjoy different kinds of foods. There’s no proof that as strict avoidance of all carrots and all pumpkin, and all chickpeas, and all grains is going to cure your gut. There’s no proof at all. In fact, I’ve never found that to be the case. Most of the patients I see who fully recover from gut disorders in fact do eat small amounts of gluten and grains in their diet on a regular basis. It’s up to you, but I just don’t think it’s the way to go.
Okay. Point number three. Diet focused and not looking at lifestyle. This is a big problem with a lot of people. Lots of people live very stressed lifestyles today. I just read some interesting statistics on SM on social media and depression where people who check their SM feeds 58 times or more per week have a 29 percent increase in depression than people who don’t get involved with SM.
I was just talking to Tracy about this before about how when we grew up. Google came in when I was 38 in 1998, Google came in. Prior to that, we actually used to talk to people. Now, you talk to screens. You don’t talk to people anymore. It’s easy to get depressed when you’re talking to a piece of plastic the whole time with your fingers. Not actually having eye contact with people.
So, crappy jobs, crappy relationships, crappy lifestyles. Pretending you’re happy. Eating the best foods, but living a shit life. Is that what you really want? You think that food really makes you healthy? What about emotional food? What about being happy? What about enjoying being with other people? Think about that. Isn’t that food for the soul? Think about it.
I just looked at a very prominent American physician’s website about the mistakes people make on the Candida diet. There was not one word of a mention about stress, cortisol or adrenal dysfunction or staying up late at night because you’re on computers or having a shitty job that you don’t like or being with a shitty person that you don’t like, or having shitty relationships with people. No mention of that.
So I want you to think right now while you’re watching this video about that one person that annoys the hell out of you or how much you like your job or how much you like the place where you live, how much you been dreaming about a better future, or thinking about things like that. If that rings a bell with you, then that is what you want to focus on, not what kind of a carb you put in your mouth. Think about it.
Not testing was number one-making assumptions. Ultra-strict diets were number two. Diet focused while forgetting about stress was number three, and the fourth one was poor supplementation or no supplementation thinking you can get rid of all of these problems just by eating foods. Many people I see take dietary supplements to work with parasite cleansing/Candida cleansing, but in fact many of them are not effective. They’ll be adhoc with they’ll buy this and they’ll buy that and a little bit here from this website and that website and they’ll put everything together and it costs them a fortune. A whole lot of money. Many of these products just don’t give people the kind of outcome they’re looking for.
Now I’ve worked with patients now for 30 years. A long time. I’ve used all kinds of products. This is why I designed the CanXida range-exactly why. I wanted to put together a very simple system that was highly effective where you could get these three products that were going to do the job of 50 products, so think about it. I’m not here beating my own drum, but if you want to check out a nice range, check out the CanXida range. It’s a range I designed after treating lots of patients over a prolonged period of time. It’s not adhoc. It’s a system that works beautifully together. So that’s point four. So think about it.
First make sure that you’ve got Candida before you go for it, alright? Make sure also that you understand that going very strict with your diet particularly for prolonged periods of time is a load of crap. It’s not going to work. It doesn’t work for most of my patients. Think about point number three. We spoke about how you need to focus more on your lifestyle than you do what goes in here. Also think about point four about taking the right kind of products which can have a good effect.
I hope you got a bit out of this video, Donna. Thanks for the question. Now, as I mentioned previous, please check out the quiz if you haven’t already done the quiz. Click on the link below in the description box if you’re new to this channel and you want to get my Candida report. And last but not least, subscribe. Thanks for tuning in.