What are the major causes of candida yeast infection?

I often get asked questions regarding Candida yeast infections from many people all around the world in over 100 countries now. It’s become very popular for me now to reply in this particular fashion because it would take too long for me to respond to each individually in mail I get. I get hundreds of emails every day. Typical questions. What are the causes of Candida is a question I get. How did I get there in the first place? How did this start for me? How can I identify the cause, so I can prevent it in the future?

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In my book in Chapter 2 of Candida Crusher, I wrote the 11 primary causes of a Candida yeast infection. Let’s just get one thing straight. There are two types of causes. There’s the primary cause, or what I call the exciting cause, what really helped to initiate or begin Candida, and then there’s the maintaining causes, what keeps it going. Remember, there are two types of causes. Most people haven’t got a clue about these two types of causes. They just think there’s some kind of cause, so there’s always something that maintains Candida or a combination of dietary and lifestyle events that maintain the cause, and then there’s the initiating causes. Here’s just a little a piece of information I’m going to read out to you. The different types of causes that are most likely to occur with Candida. These are both maintaining causes and initiating causes.

Antibiotic drugs. The primary cause. I’d say most of the people I see with severe Candida or recurring Candida took one or several rounds of some kind of a penicillin, some kind of an antibiotic. There are different classes of antibiotic drugs and many of them have a helping hand in beginning Candida. Many women develop vaginal thrush after taking a course of antibiotics usually for some kind of respiratory problem or skin problem. Maybe even for urinary tract infection, they would have developed it. Many guys develop jock itch after taking antibiotics for a cough or a cold or a cut or some skin infection or something like that. Many children develop thrush as well, also from antibiotics. These are the primary.

Antibiotics in meats. The commercial poultry or chicken that you’re eating today probably contains an antibiotic. If you continually eat these kind of foods plus have several of the other causes, you’re probably going to help to maintain this yeast infection in your body. This is why I talk a lot about organic or free-range chicken. The grass-fed beef. The particular kind of proteins that are clean. This also gives a lot of vegans or vegetarians fuel for saying, “See, meat’s not a good food. You need to eat vegetarian sources of protein.”

Immune deficiency. Many people I see have an immune deficiency. They may have a folic deficiency or an iron deficiency, for example, leading to a deficient immune function. Many people have got digestive problems, which have helped to create the immune deficiencies or exacerbate them, which drag the Candida out even further. A poor immunity. Get your blood tested, for example, it’s a good idea to do a complete blood count and look at the white cell markers. Check iron and B-12. Good things to check out.

Steroids and other drugs. Very common. Many people take steroids, inhaled steroids, and those puffers for asthma. They may take a prednisone, a prednisone for an autoimmune disease or pain or inflammation. They may take a hydrocortisone cream for a skin problem. These are all steroids which help to suppress the immune system and perpetuate Candida.

Alcohol. One of the biggest causes with men with jock itch or maintaining causes, particularly, is drinking alcohol on a regular basis. Drinking beer, for example. I see this a lot with guys.

Diets. Sugar-laden diets. Diets high in sweet foods. We’ve spoken about this on numerous videos. Diets with plenty of white bread, bagels, donuts, candy, chocolate, and ice cream. These things just feed Candida in the gut.

Stress. Check out my three-part series on stress and Candida. There are many aspects of stress that have quite a debilitating effect on the immune system and perpetuate Candida.

Chemicals. There’s probably a lot of chemicals in your diet right now. You could be using personal skin care products. You could be using cleansing products or garden products or all sorts of chemicals around the home that can affect you in different ways. I’m going to do a series of videos specifically relating to chemicals and how they affect the three to four different aspects of your health in general.

Your endocrine function. When your hormone system gets affected severely. Your nervous system gets affected quite severely by… Your immune system gets affected quite severely. They’ve even linked Parkinson’s disease now with a chemical called Rotenone or Derestas[?] that you puff around your cabbages for the white butterfly. Rotenone or Derestas[?] have been linked positively with Parkinson’s disease, so be careful using chemicals. Even like glyphosate or Round-up. These chemicals can linger in the body for years and create a lot of destruction.

Diabetes. A prime cause of Candida and a prime maintaining cause as well. People with diabetes tend to have blood sugar problems, elevated blood sugar levels. They urinate out more glucose. Of course, it’s the glucose management catastrophe. Diabetes. Of course, when glucose isn’t managed properly, Candida is sitting there waiting to happen.

Chlorine or chlorine bleach. Fluoride, bromide or what we called haloids. These are chemicals that can have quite an interesting effect on your thyroid gland preventing the production of the thyroid hormone, but affecting your immune system in other ways as well. So swimming in pools of chlorine, eating foods with bromine like certain types of breads. Fluoride toothpaste. These are small maintaining causes, but still quite significant.

And mold is the 11th one. So mold – we have many people here in New Zealand and no doubt up in Canada and other countries that live in houses that are a bit leaky with rain. They get moldy. There’d be spores in the air. So you need to live in a ventilated to dry clean living quarters if you have Candida because you can really get mucked up by mold.

These are the 11 causes of Candida. I hope that answers the question on what are the causes of Candida.

Thank you.

Before you leave the page make sure to watch My TOP 5 Candida Fighting Foods. I share my 5 favorite foods that beat candida overgrowth. The video is on my youtube channel and you can click here to watch it. Let me know if you have any other questions.