The Best Way To Get Rid of Candida Overgrowth 1 TIP

Greetings. Naturopath from New Zealand, Eric Bakker, author of Candida Crusher, formulator of the Canxida range of products. Thanks for checking out my video. Today, we’re going to do an interesting video on always adopt dietary changes slowly with Candida. Make changes slowly. Don’t be one of these crazy people who do everything really quickly.

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I can’t tell you how many people that have consulted me over the years that felt like crap after they started treatment and that’s because they went hammer and tongues. When I gave them some advice, they would go in and the next day make all the changes very quickly. It’s a stupid idea. I had a very interesting consultation with a lady in Australia today, a lovely lady from the Philippines now in her 60s who I’ve been seeing now probably for about I think six months whose been sick for some time. And she always wanted to eat rice for many rice for many years, but she said every time she went into rice, it made her sick. I think it’s because when she started, she would have a whole plate of rice with something on top of it and then start eating that and feel terrible. My suggestion to her was start with about a teaspoon of rice per day or half a teaspoon. She said, “What? One teaspoon of rice. That’s crazy. I like to eat rice.” What she did like a lot of people do when they start to incorporate a new food into the diet is they do way too much, way too soon, too quickly. You can’t do that. I really want you to get that through your mind. It is not a good idea.

Nor is it to do that when you are going to start an exercise program. You’re not going to go out and walk 50 miles the first day or go on a cross country hike up big mountain cliffs and down to ravines and then the next day say, “Crazy. I’m never going for a walk again. I feel like crap. All my muscles are sore.” What if you started with just a gentle walk around the block for a week? And then the second week, you maybe went around the block once and then twice? And then what about the third week, you did a bigger loop. And after a month, you did a small hike up a hill. And then after about three or four months, you did a large hike around the countryside? And then in six months, you did that big walk? Sure, you had some sore muscles, but you didn’t need to have hospitalization with extreme dehydration because you weren’t crazy because you gradually built things up over a period of time.

Your digestive system is the same. It needs slow adjustment. It needs slow change. It’s very clever for you to understand that principle. Why would that be so? Why do I want you to start slowly and build up? Lots of changes need to occur inside you. For example, people who’ve got leaky gut or SIBO or Candida often have been unwell for many, many years. They’ve got altering levels of pH in their digestive system. They’ve got different kinds of bacterial levels than they should have. They may have not enough beneficial bacteria. Too many bad ones. They’ve had different kinds of yeasts. So as soon as they start changing their diet too quickly, they’re going to upset all of those things. They’re going to feel bloated, have gas, feel sick, have headaches, have farting, constipation, all these sort of things. And then immediately they think, “Oh, can’t eat that food anymore. I’m allergic to that food.”

But what if they started with the smallest amount of that food and if they had a reaction, they backed off and they wrote it on a piece of paper and tried another piece of food. What if at that same time, they started to take some digestive enzymes and some probiotics and maybe a small amount of antifungal/antibacterial, but they put all the other supplements aside for a while? One of my patients today was taking around 19 different dietary supplements and she felt like crap. I said, “What the hell are you taking all this stuff for?”

We had another patient about two years ago that was taking 90 supplements per day; $4,000 per month in supplements. Plus, a whole page of medications and pharmaceuticals from their four different doctors. I asked her how she felt. She said, “I feel like crap.” I said, “Great. Go to the kitchen and I want you to bring me the garbage can.” She didn’t know what I was aiming at, but she came back with the garbage can. I said, “Now, open the lid and chuck everything in there.” “Why would I do that for?” I said, “Well, you feel like crap, so what difference is it going to make? Now, your bank account is not going to feel like crap. You’re going to feel a lot better because you’ll have more money in the bank and let’s start slowly again.” Again, she was overloading her system. Taking lots of pills is not the answer. Starting treatment too quick is not the answer.

Using an intelligent approach is the answer. Starting very slowly and then gradually building up and building up, so you’ve got to build up digestive fitness like you do musculoskeletal fitness. You can’t do a PhD if you can’t even read or write properly. It takes many years and sometimes it can take several years for a very sick person to gain amazing good digestive health, but generally, I would say between 6 to 12 months to get excellent digestive function, including no gas, no bloating, the ability to eat just about all foods, not be too hungry, all those things can be had but it takes time.

Always adopt dietary changes slowly. The most important point I want to emphasize right now is to start right away and adopt these new habits slowly. All too often I’ve found that when I make a recommendation in my clinic to a patient that these recommendations are adopted way too rapidly and almost overnight. Meaning that their whole diet and lifestyle is literally changed within 24 hours. You can imagine what misery this can bring about. Years of sloppy or bad eating habits changed in an instant, and the result can be bad headaches, nausea, lots of gas and bloating, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, and fatigue. Doesn’t sound like fun does it? But it happens regularly in the clinic, so I must warn you again. Begin to adopt slowly the changes. Preferably over two to three weeks when you first start. Sometimes even a month.

Taking a good enzyme probiotic formula. You don’t have to take my product, but I’ve created a product called Canxida Restore and it’s going to do what it says. It’s going to restore gently the function of the stomach. Gently the function of the pancreas. The stomach has to work very efficiently before the pancreas can work. Consultation today with a patient with a bad helicobacter pylori infection, which is reflux, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux like GERD, taking an acid blocking drug for years. What happens with these patients when they take drugs like Nexium or omeprazole or crap like that is they block the stomach’s ability to work. They put out the fire of digestion. They impair the way the pancreas works, so that can sometimes mean when you swallow food, it sits there like a lump or your cough doesn’t sit quite good in your chest. Things get a bit clogged up down here and that can often lead to constipation or bloating or farting or one hour after eating, you can have a lot of tummy pains. You wonder what the hell is going on there.

These drugs are not the answer. The answer is obviously to go to a bland boring diet for a little while. Take some enzymes and probiotics. Take maybe a good antibacterial/antifungal like the Canxida Remove. Again, you don’t have to take mine, but I’ve made a product from the best of my experiences that’s going to help kill a lot of crap here in the stomach. It’s going to work its way through and slowly but surely you’ll find as you willing to relax more, chew food better, rest more, you’ll find that your digestion will improve. You can slowly start to incorporate more foods into your diet. You need to learn to relax more while eating. Chew food better. Select the foods you can eat. Avoid the foods you can’t eat.

Another golden rule in my clinic is if something is working, you don’t change. You stick with that thing. If it’s not working, but only a little bit, you might need to tweak it until it works a bit better. If it’s working better, then you keep doing it. If it’s not working, you change it. If it’s not working at all, you change it completely. Of course, why would you want to stop when something is working? Many people take a supplement for 30 days and then stop it and they think, “Well, I just needed one bottle, but I feel like crap again, so what do I do?” I say, “Well, how did you feel when you were taking it?” “Oh, I felt great.” “Well, why don’t you get back on it again?” “Oh, that might be a good idea.” You know what I mean. If something is working, stick with it and stick with it and keep working until it gets better and better and better. Once you’re on a roll, it just gets bigger and bigger. Adopt change slowly.

If you adopt change slowly, the body will slowly improve and then it will improve more and more to the point where you feel pretty good about yourself. And then over time, you’ll know you can back off treatment and then stop it completely. But don’t be quick to make changes when it comes to starting treatment or stopping treatment. Don’t be quick either. Don’t be quick to stop treatment. You taper treatment off slowly and if you go backwards, then you need to go back again and keep on track. It’s common sense, isn’t it? Well, it is to me.

I hope this has been an inspiring video for you fans on YouTube out there. Thanks for tuning in.

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