Candida Question #52 Can I Pass Yeast Infection On To My Unborn Baby?

You can. Many children are born with varying types of conditions that the mother actually has. It’s not impossible to do that and caution needs to be taken. This is why it’s quite clever of you to try and clear any vaginal issues that you have in the second or third trimester, in particular, which will make it a lot easier for you.

Genital herpes is another concern that many doctors have of a woman passing an active herpes condition onto her baby if she has genital herpes. It is possible to pass this on to your unborn baby or I should say baby when it’s being born. If the baby’s still in utero, it’s not highly likely that the baby’s going to have a yeast infection from you. Although some people would argue that systemic infection can pass through the placenta into the child, but I’ve not really seen evidence of this.

Perhaps I didn’t’ answer that question properly, but when you give birth to a child and you have active vaginal thrush, there is a chance that you will pass it on. But if the baby’s in utero and has not been delivered yet, there’s probably a very slim risk of you passing that on because the baby’s in quite a safe environment.

So I do hope that answers your question. Thank you.

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