Candida Question #54 Can I Buy OTC AntiFungal Cream For Itch?

Of course you can. There are many different creams and lotions and potions you can use for yeast infection. My recommendations are for you not really to use the pharmaceutical approach where you’re going to use a vaginal applicator and a pharmaceutical cream. I don’t find women often have success with these products. They tend to get recurring thrush, recurring yeast infection, which require recurring applications. And often times, a doctor will prescribe these creams along with an applicator, along with an anti-fungal like fluconazole.

You can see some of my case histories in my book, Candida Crusher. Some of these women take these products for 2, 5, and 10 years or more and get no relief. And as soon as they stop, the problem keeps recurring.

What I think about in my mind when you use a product and a proper protocol, you should get a resolution from your problem. You shouldn’t have to be continually relying on a product to keep a problem not just at bay but to eradicate it. If you need to keep using these creams, there’s something not right here. You’re not doing something right.

Have a look at my book, Candida Crusher, Chapter 5, Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infections. There’s some brilliant ideas in there to show you how you can actually cure this condition, get rid of it for good.

So, you can use over-the-counter creams, but why would you recurrently use a cream. Using a cream and getting rid of the condition short term is good, but relying on a product is no good. A good cream you could try out, for example, would be a tea tree-based cream. There are creams made with many different herbs and products with tea tree are very good products that you could use.

What about a tea tree suppository? I recommend those. You can read about those in my book. There are many different douche or cleansing protocols I’ve written about, particularly useful in conjunction with my Candida Crusher diet.

So give that some consideration rather than just relying continually on creams. Thank you.

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