Greetings! It’s naturopath from New Zealand Eric Bakker. I’m the author of Candida Crusher. Thanks for checking out my video today. We’re going to talk about Taheebo or Lapacho or Pau D’arco, which is the beautiful brownish red colored inner bark from a big rain forest tree that grows in Brazil in the rain forest. It’s been used for a long, long time by a native Indian people in South America for a wide range of conditions. Bowel conditions, colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, and many different types of cancers of the head, the neck, the throat, the digestive system. So this is a plant that’s been used for a long, long time. It’s been researched quite well, too.
Now the problem with Taheebo or Pau D’arco is the adulteration with inferior species. They’re chopping whole trees down and using the inner heartwood when they should be using the inner bark. It’s a little bit like the sandy climb of the slippery elm tree in Canada and the northern parts of America. They’re used by many different Indian tribes for many generations and now, unfortunately, just about disappeared out of the wild because of fools coming in there and just chopping all the trees down.
The slippery elm is one of my favorite herbs. It’s a beautiful deep pink colored powder, which is a fantastic product for the digestive system, but Taheebo or Pau D’arco you can use very effectively as an anti-fungal. So here’s what you do. Just get yourself some of the tea and then this is just a packet I’ve got here, but I’m sure you’ll find it in your country as well. Now I don’t want to make a mess all over my computer so I’m going to put the paper down. This is what the stuff looks like. So, I’ll hold it up-it’s sort of like a browny colored bark. You can see in here a nice bark. I’ll bring that up a bit closer to the screen. There you go. That’s the bark of the Taheebo.
What you want to do is you want to probably get around about a good three level tablespoons of this powdery stuff. Just get one of those plastic baking teaspoon measurements. Get about three tablespoons and level them off and then chuck that into a pot. Get a stainless steel or glass pot. Don’t use aluminum. It’s crap. Don’t use aluminum saucepots at all. A cast-iron pot is okay, too. So three level tablespoons you put in there, and then you put in about three to four cups, usually about four cups, about 1,000 mils or one liter. Four 250 mil cups of cold water you put in on top of it. And use a good quality water. Don’t use fluoridated or tap water or some junk like that. Use preferably bottled water-a good quality water. Make sure it’s cold water. Don’t put boiling water on it at all. Bad idea. This is not how you make Taheebo tea. Cold water on top of the bark, put the lid on it, and bring it to the boil.
So turn it up, I generally stir it in really thoroughly. Get my hand in there and just crunch it all up, get the water in there. It’ll start discoloring a little bit at that stage, and then I will just get the heat up to it and then bring it up gently to the boil. When it’s rolling boil, turn it right down to simmer, to the lowest possible setting. And then keep the lid on it and you leave it simmering for about 20 minutes to half an hour. This is how you make a good Taheebo tea. And then keep checking it so it doesn’t boil dry and make sure that you have it on a low setting. You can partially take it off the elemental flame so it’s not covering it all. You just want to have it heating nicely.
Other people I know will just actually put the bark like I showed you into a blender and make a powder out of it and then actually put one or two teaspoons of that in a ceramic teapot and make like a tea out of it and then strain that because it’s also going to sit for 20 minutes. As long as you’ve got the powder or the bark in contact with the nice warm to hot water for a period of about half an hour, then you’re going to strain it through a piece of fine clean cotton cloth. It could be through some sort of coffee/tea strainers, one of those plunger pots, you could strain it through that kind of mechanism. Strain that and then what you’re going to do is keep that in the refrigerator. Now because it’s anti-fungal, no molds or fungi will really grow in that stuff, so you can keep that in the fridge for days and days on end.
Now what’s the average dose? Well, that depends on you, but I recommend that you would start maybe with a couple of tablespoons of Taheebo tea per day. You gradually build it up to a 250 mils or one cup per day, which means that what you’ve got in the refrigerator will only last you for five days. Some people say it’s best to make the tea fresh every day. Other patients I know who have drunk Taheebo for a long time say it’s not necessary and you can make up a large batch and keep it in the refrigerator for up to two or three weeks. Then take it out, then drink it cold, or you can reheat it. I don’t like the microwave to reheat it. That’s the only problem. Drinking it cold.
The other one I know of I’ve got a few people who actually make it and leave it at room temperature in a big jug and they’ll put mint leaves with it. They’ll put a couple of peppermint leaves with it or other kinds of herbs or lemon juice in there or a couple of pieces of lime or lemon. Especially in the summer months that’s quite a nice thing to do. So every day you walk past your urn, put the tap open and have one or two glasses of the Taheebo tea. It’s a very powerful tea. It’s going to work very effectively in conjunction with the Candida Crusher protocol.
Now, I’ve also put the Pau D’arco-a very powerful four-in-one extract in the Canxida Remove tablets. I actually made a Canxida Remove product. It’s a very broad spectrum anti-microbial product. Perfect for the gut. It’s got really a good quality Pau D’arco extract in that tablet. So if you were going to take a couple of tablets per day of the Canxida Remove, you won’t need to drink the tea at all because you’re going to get a very potent anti-fungal activity.
I’m going to do another video in a minute showing women how to use Taheebo tea as a vaginal cleanse because it’s very, very good for that as well. So if you haven’t already got some of this tea, you can buy it online or you can just go to a health food shop and buy it. And if you don’t want to have the tea but you want the benefits of Pau D’arco, just take the Canxida Remove tablets because you’ll get plenty of activity in those. I hope that gives you a little bit of understanding on Taheebo.
Last thing I’ll leave you with is if you do buy Pau D’arco make sure you’re getting an authentic Pau D’arco. You’re not getting ripped off or scammed by some crap quality product, because you need to get the real stuff. Thanks for tuning in. Don’t forget to click on the link below if you haven’t already got my report. And please subscribe. Catch you next time.