Is miso good on candida diet?

Greetings, Eric Bakker, naturopath, author of Candida Crusher.

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Today I’d like to talk to you about Miso, which is a fermented soy product. There seems to be confusion about Miso, whether it is an acceptable food if you have a yeast infection or not. Some people I talk to say it’s totally unacceptable. It contains yeasts and molds, which can stimulate a Candida proliferation. Other people say it’s a fantastic food and it should be consumed.

So people out there will be very confused about these varying stories. So my take on it is Miso is a perfectly acceptable food if you have a Candida infection, providing you buy a good quality Miso that’s unpasteurized, unhomogenized, and is at least two years old. You’ll be buying a very good quality food and a small amount of Miso each day is acceptable. I believe Miso is a more beneficial food in the cooler weather, as it’s a warming food, than it would be to have in summer. But you may have other ideas on that.

In this video, I’m not going to talk about the soy debate, that’s quite political. You can read about that in my book. I believe that soy products are okay for some people and, particularly, they’re problematic when infants have them or menopausal women consume too much soy that is unfermented. But myself and many patients I have have been eating soy for 30, 40 years. I believe as part of a balanced diet, soy is a perfectly acceptable food where it’s unfermented.

Like anything, if you’re going to eat red meat three to four times per day, it’s going to be a problem. If you’re going to have 12 eggs a day, that’s going to be a problem. If you’re going to consume tofu three times per day as your main form of protein, it’s going to be a problem. Everything in balance and in moderation is the key to a healthy body and a healthy life.

So coming back to Miso, Miso is a good food and it’s particularly good if you make it in a nice warm broth and put some Benito flakes in there and perhaps some onions and some other C vegetables like wasabi, it’s a very good food to eat. High in essential minerals, high in iodine and many other minerals, so it’s a fantastic food, and it’s a food I encourage you to have quite regularly during the fall or the autumn or the cooler months, in particular. Having one to two cups of Miso soup per day is a great food.

So I hope this dispels a few myths and answers a few questions. Thank you.

Before you leave the page make sure to watch My TOP 5 Candida Fighting Foods. I share my 5 favorite foods that beat candida overgrowth. The video is on my youtube channel and you can click here to watch it. Let me know if you have any other questions.