Thanks for checking out my video today. We’re going to talk about magnesium today. I had a question from a guy in Australia a couple of weeks ago asking me if magnesium is any good for taking as a supplement when you have a yeast infection.
Magnesium is superb to take whether you’ve got a yeast infection or not. In fact, I’ve been taking magnesium for over 30 years. It’s one of my “must have” dietary supplements, and I’m going to explain to you why. It’s so darn important to take magnesium on a regular basis.
Magnesium is required to drive well over 300 to 400 enzyme systems in your body. It’s a crucial mineral that plays a role in multiple areas of the body. Very important for neuronal function, for neurotransmitters or brain function. It’s important for mood control, blood sugar control, and immune regulation. It has a big effect on relaxing the heart to allow it to fill properly, to contract properly. Calcium aids in contraction. Magnesium aids in relaxation of all the muscles in your body. So for relaxation, common sense, you need magnesium.
Magnesium also is important for your immune system in that we call it a DNA auditor, so it actually audits DNA and it makes sure that if you’ve got cells that are going haywire, it’s a bit like a conveyor belt. It will actually stop the conveyor belt and get rid of the turkey that’s no good to be packaged. It will go “eeee” delete that turkey like it will delete a cell that’s going to go haywire, so it actually audits whether cells go crazy or not. Apoptosis is programmed cell death and magnesium plays a crucial role.
Magnesium also plays a crucial role in getting rid of Candida’s by-products. There are several different by-products that Candida has. Ammonia is one of them. Ethanol.
There are many different by-products as a result of a yeast infection. But one of the most important enzymes I’ve written down here from my memory is called aldehyde dehydrogenase and that’s driven by magnesium. When you’ve got enough magnesium in your body, you can drive this enzyme system that helps to breakdown acetaldehyde, which is one of the potent toxins produced by Candida when it dies. You need to get rid of this out of the body. Acetaldehyde is also produced as a result of drinking alcohol, so it’s a potent neurotoxin. It kills brain cells, makes you sick and tired, fat and lazy and this is part of the reason why people with Candida get “brain fog”, too, is the acetaldehyde. Magnesium helps to power up the enzyme to get rid of this stuff.
Magnesium is also the most easily excreted mineral under any kind of stress. They did research at Harvard University way back in the ‘60s and they found out that when they applied stress to rats, a rabbit or a human in different controlled studies and even meta-analysis showed this, research based on multiple studies, that when a stress was applied to a living organism, the magnesium was excreted in direct proportion to the stress applied. It’s incredible.
Many people with yeast infections are stressed, so they’re going to urinate out large amounts of magnesium. The tragedy today is in our diets, we’d be lucky to get 200 mg in per day. If we look back a long time ago when people didn’t eat processed foods, it wasn’t uncommon to consume 1,000 to 2,000 mg per day. Now the average American or British person is lucky to consume between 200 to 300 mg, so we’ve got a huge deficit here.
Magnesium you can get from a wide variety of foods providing they’re organically grown in soils that are rich in trace elements and minerals in the soils. Superphosphates tend to pull a lot of these elements out of the plants, so you don’t really want to buy store or commercially grown produce, which is going to be depleted in these elements. Grow your own food like I do. Deep, leafy greens contain magnesium. Nut, seeds, and good quality grains. And there are many dietary supplements you can take.
Magnesium is a key mineral that you need to help fight Candida.
I hope this answers your question about magnesium. Thank you.