Thank you for checking out my video. Here’s a question I got from a guy in the States. What is the difference between Candida albicans and Candida? Probably no difference because most people when they talk about Candida or yeast infections, they talk about the organism, Candida Albicans. After doing many stool tests, I can tell you there’s 19 types of Candida that commonly affect a human organism[?]. But when I say “commonly” some I only see maybe 1 in every 400 to 500 stool tests.
The common ones I see would be these: Candida Albicans, Candida Krusei, Candida Parapsilosis, Candida Glabrata, and Candida Tropicalis, so they’d probably be the five I would commonly see. Occasionally, we get rare ones like Candida Lyxosophila or Candida Maltosa or Rugosa. These are more rare strains of Candida, so they’re picked up in the stool test every now and then.
But the very common one I would see would be Albicans in probably 89 percent of all stool tests, and I do see a bit of Glabrata and Krusei. When I was in Australia, I saw more of the Tropicalis. The Candida Tropicalis tend to be more difficult to eradicate than the Albicans. Albicans is the one that we commonly associate with gastrointestinal yeast infection issues.
It’s just like with bacteria. We’ve got many different types of bacteria. We’ve got gram negative. We’ve got gram positive. We’ve got all sorts of beneficial, lots of beneficial. We’ve got many forms of parasites that we deal with. So just like with Candida, there’s no one particular strain, but the treatment is basically the same.
For example, to get rid of Tropicalis, the record[?] is anywhere up to 20 times more difficult than to get rid of Candida Albicans. Many patients I see with chronic yeast infections have got multiple Candida strains, and that becomes a little bit more difficult to eradicate. It’s like having different kinds of criminals in an organization. Some of the criminals are pretty dumb and stupid and they get caught. Other criminals are very smart and some of them are super intelligent. They can always have different disguises on that if they’re captured constantly. You’ve probably seen some movies like that, some pretty good films like that.
Other criminals are plain dumb. They’ll leave their wallets at the crime scene. They’ll leave guns lying around and they’ll have photos of themselves taken with the CT cameras. These are stupid criminals, and we’ve got some bacteria like that, and I find Albicans quite stupid, too. But the problem with the Albicans is it can mutate and change and evade capture, particularly when the person hasn’t really been eating a good diet for a long time and been taking a lot of antibiotic drugs and commercial antifungal drugs.
Candida is quite clever in evading capture. I may have told you in a previous video that Candida can release a particular poison called gleer[?] toxin around itself that actually neutralizes the immune system around it, so it can be quite smart to do that. And when it dies, it releases all these glycol proteins into the circulation that attract the immune system to it rather than the Candida. It’s a little bit like if you see some of these jets that fly and they’ve got a heat sensing missile going straight up their tail, they can release these trailers or showers of sparks and the missile will hit those and blow up instead of the aircraft.
Candida will do a similar thing. Bacteria don’t tend to think as clever as that. Candida is a little bit a cut above a bacteria when it comes to intelligence, I think. And then we’ve got viruses, which are even higher above that which tend to be quite clever in how they can almost completely avoid being destroyed.
I hope that answers your question with a bit of ramble on there for the difference between Candida and Candida Albicans. They’re probably the same. That’s what the person’s talking about. Thanks for tuning in.