Thank you for checking out this video. What is Candida brain fog? I often get asked by people. Why is my brain feel like cotton wool and more foggy up there? I’ve got mental confusion. I can’t think clearly. I seem to be in a world of my own. I feel stoned or spaced out. Eric, help me out. I’m a bit worried here. Brain fog is a term that’s used by people when there’s a certain element of mental confusion where they can’t really think clearly or rationally. They don’t know what the heck’s going on.
There are many reasons why you could be feeling like this that may not be Candida related. We could be looking at heavy metal toxicity. Mercury, for example, in higher amounts can cause brain fog and it commonly does. The term “mad as a hatter” came from years ago when people used to use mercury for putting felt inside hats, and hat makers used to go crazy because the mercury would cause neuro toxicity.
If you’ve got brain fog, a hair analysis is probably quite a good idea to determine what your level of mercury is or cadmium or arsenic or lead, one of those four sulfhydryl metals is very important to determine if you’ve got heavy metal toxicity. High calcium levels, low potassium and low zinc levels are often found in a hair analysis as well. This will give you an indication also if you’ve got a copper imbalance. A copper imbalance is something that is commonly found, too. Zinc to copper ratios can be pretty screwed up in people with bad mental confusion.
The other thing with brain fog, probably much more common that I see in the clinic, is bowel toxemia or toxins in the bowel, so bad bacteria producing indoles and skatoles and cadaverine and various types of chemicals that get liberated in the blood stream by these bacteria that get into the brain. Lack of beneficial bacteria is the number one cause of brain fog, I can tell you now. It’s not Candida. It’s the lack of beneficial bacteria.
How do I know this? Well, I’ve completed many, many, many hundreds of stool tests over the years, over 1,000 stool tests on Candida patients, and in most cases, when the patient had severe brain fog, I found NG or null growth on the lacto bacillus species, no growth, none. We couldn’t detect any on culture. The people with the lowest beneficial bacteria levels had the worst brain fog of all.
Some of these people didn’t even have Candida. We couldn’t culture it in these people, but because they had such low beneficial bacteria, it allowed the bad bacteria to go crazy. It’s a little bit like the police or the military presence isn’t there and these ISIS militants or these crazy terrorists just get out of control and start dropping bombs and chopping people up.
The bad bacteria in your bowel can do a similar thing. They create a lot of gases and by products that can make you feel all spaced out in the presence of low beneficial bacteria. You really need to get the beneficial bacteria up when you’ve got brain fog. And sometimes, it’s not just a matter of taking probiotics because probiotics can make some people much worse. You may be one of those people watching this video now with brain fog. You took a probiotic and got 10 times worse. This is where you need to get expert help from somebody to really determine what’s going on in the bowel, what level of beneficial bacteria you’ve got and commensals, which are what we call transitional bacteria going from good or bad and the bad guys you’ve got. This needs to be determined first before we can decide what we’re going to do.
I can tell you now. Brain fog can be cured 100 percent. I’ve helped many hundreds of patients get rid of their brain fog. I’ve got really, really grateful patients as a result. Because you can’t work, you can’t even drive a car sometimes when your brain fog is that bad.
Let’s just recap on that. Check for heavy metals. Urinalysis is probably a good thing to do if you’ve got brain fog. Check for gut dysbiosis. Make sure that you do a stool test and a hair test if you’ve got severe brain fog. These are two very clever things to do to give you an indication on what’s going on. There’s no doubt 20 other reasons why people have brain fog, but what I just mentioned in this video is a very good explanation of some of the prime causes of brain fog and what you can do about it.
I hope that answers your question.