Greetings! Eric Bakker back again. We’re doing a series on Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If this is the first video you’ve seen in the series, make sure you check out the several other videos we’ve done on causes, what is IBS, testing and diagnoses, etc. This video, we’re going to talk about the best diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
What do you think is the best diet for you when it comes to Irritable Bowel Syndrome? What are the best foods for you to eat and the best foods for you to avoid? Well, I don’t know you personally, but I’m reaching out to you through Dr. Google. I’m going to tell you that the best foods for you to avoid are the foods that aggravate you the most, and the best foods for you to consume are the ones that make you feel really good – give you good energy, allow you to sleep properly, maintain good body weight, improve gut function. Those foods can vary very much from person to person.
I don’t know what your gut function is like. I haven’t assessed your gut function. I haven’t seen your stool test results. When you’re watching this video and you’re listening to some of the things I’m saying, this may apply to you, but it also may not apply to you. Just be careful when you take any advice or listen to somebody through YouTube or read any information on a blog site that you don’t take it as the gospel. Common sense prevails people. The most important thing you can do when you’ve got Irritable Bowel Syndrome initially is to actually use your brain.
What I’m meaning by that, I’m not trying to patronize or belittle you, but I’m saying if you’re drinking alcohol, bloody stop it. You can’t even have one glass of wine a month if you’ve got IBS. It’s just not going to happen. Any form of sugar. We’re talking erythritol, sorbitol, honey, molasses, stevia, xylitol, any kind of “tol”. Any kind of sugar, just stop it. Sugars are a huge bane for people with IBS. It’s one of the worst things you can do. If it tastes really sweet in the mouth, it could have a big aggravating role in your gut.
Research has shown 85 percent of people, when they took all forms of sugars out of their diet, had a massive relief of symptoms within three to six months just by doing that one thing alone. If you’ve got IBS and you’re watching this, the very first thing that you do is you take sugar out of your diet or foods containing sugar. Go into your pantry and have a look. If I went to your kitchen right now and looked at the kitchen bench, would I find a sugar jar, a honey pot? If I went to your pantry, would I find any bags of sugar in there? Bottles of molasses or syrup? Would I find a container of xylitol? Would I find you chewing any gum with xylitol in it? Are you eating any confectionery with artificial sugars? Are you drinking Coke Zero? Have you got any kind of sugar in your diet, whether it’s artificial or real or whatever? That’s the first thing you chuck out of your diet for at least six months if you’ve got IBS. If you can’t do that, switch the video off. Let’s cut the crap. No sugar. It’s a no exceptions policy.
The second thing I want you to do is to follow my MEVY diet approach in the Candida Crusher book. Meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt approach. That’s usually for about three to four weeks initially. We just move you gently into that kind of dietary approach. If you have any problems, take some of my CanXida Restore product – enzyme, probiotic. That’s going to help you to break a lot of these foods down properly if you’re putting some new foods into your diet or increasing some of these foods.
The second thing that I want you to do after the MEVY approach is to move into the low allergy phase. I assume you’ve already chucked the sugar out of your diet. You’ve stopped putting sugar in any kind of food, whether it’s real or artificial, or if it’s one of these new fandangle sugars like erythritol, or xylitol or those “tol” kind of sugars. Now we’re going to look at the low allergy approach. You’re going to take out oranges, bananas, most fruits (which you should have already done with the no sugar), bananas, oranges and pineapples especially, all forms of chocolate and cacao, raw cacao, biff all that. Get rid of that out of the diet.
If you’ve got a serious gut problem like a very major digestive disorder, you probably would have already followed the GAPS diet, or the SCD diet, one of these specific carbohydrate kind of diets already. But if it’s very serious, you may also want to consider taking sweet corn out. Sweet potato, pumpkin, squash, all these starchy kind of vegetables probably need to go. Many people I find will load up on one or more of these kind of things. They’ll have two bowls of pumpkin soup every day and wonder why there’s a problem.
If it’s a very bad gut problem, you want to stop juicing for a while, too. Juicing, especially cold juices in the morning, can really stuff up the digestive system. I see too many people who jump on the juice bandwagon and feel worse rather than better. You’re better off having some lightly cooked food in the morning. A couple of scrambled eggs perhaps. Often a protein source is better in the morning. Most people can tolerate oats, I find. If they have a small number of oats in the morning. Breakfast is often the trickiest meal to eat, but you need to eat some kind of food in the morning. Eggs usually are well tolerated by a lot of people.
We’ve gone into the MEVY phase. We’ve gone into the low allergy phase. At this stage, your digestive system should be feeling pretty darn good. What you may have also wanted to have completed prior to going to this is a stool test to find out what kind of pathogens you may have. Have you got bacterial imbalances? Have you got Candida? Have you got parasites? What the hell is causing this constipation and diarrhea? Consider the CanXida Remove product I’ve created, because it’s a really nice product for IBS. It cleans up a lot of digestive problems in people. It helps to eradicate a lot of bad bacteria and Candida.
I’ve seen it being very successful with Blastocystis and Dientamoeba and many different kinds of parasites. You can often do that at the onset or as you’re going through the dietary changes. Just make sure you keep the CanXida at a low level. Don’t really take it up to a high dose if you’re making a lot of diet changes, because you’re going to get a lot of aggravations.
The other thing I’d like to explain to you is it’s not just about the diet. We’re going to do another video on stress in the gut a bit later on, but it’s important for you to take some time out when you’re making these diet changes. Try and say no to people and not take on too many new projects. Not a good idea to go on diet changes if you’re starting a new job, getting married, entering a relationship, or just bought a $5-million-dollar house or whatever you’re buying. If you’re taking on a new stress, it’s not a good idea to take on a new diet change at the same time. Common sense is not so common. We’ll see you in the next video.