I get this question asked a lot.
In fact, vaginal thrush is one of the commonest reasons many Candida patients have consulted me over the years. And it’s been estimated that worldwide 75 percent of women some time in their lives have vulva vaginitis and probably over half of them have more than one episode of this condition.
Some experts believe that 15 to 20 percent of all women in the world have chronic or recurrent vaginal Candidiasis or thrush. There are a number of names given to this condition. The most common is a vaginal yeast infection or thrush; vulva vaginal Candidiasis, Moniliasis, vulva vaginal thrush, or as I said, thrush. So this really is a yeast infection, but there are many terms used by many women to describe this annoying complaint.
You’ve got to understand that the vagina is quite a complex ecological environment with a high concentration of many different types of microorganisms. Between 40 to 80 percent of women are found to have at least 5 to 10 different organisms which can be cultured from the vaginal fluid, including lactobacilli, cornea bacteria, streptococci, and Candida albicans.
A normal healthy vaginal fluid is generally whitish and milky in appearance and it consists of secretions from the sabacal glands and various cells that line the vagina and sabacal surfaces. This discharge can vary quite widely throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle. And you’ll normally find that the discharge will be more profuse and thicker just before ovulation and found to be thinner and scanter in the luteal phase or just after menstruation occurs.
In my book, Candida Crusher, in Chapter 5, in particular, you’ll find a two-stage approach for cleansing in the vaginal area, one I call a kill and a build phase. You’ll find this particularly effective in vaginal thrush, so it’s certainly something that I recommend that you try if you’ve got his condition and you want to get on top of this condition.