Greetings. It’s New Zealand naturopath, Eric Bakker, author of Candida Crusher and formulator of Canxida, the dietary supplements of choice if you’ve got Candida. Thanks for tuning into my video today. Today, I’m going to talk about yeast infections, particularly of the digestive system, antibiotics, and also a bit about probiotics.
I’ve had many, many cases over the years where I’ve found antibiotics to be a real problem when it comes to people approaching me with gut disorders, small intestinal bowel overgrowth, in particular. That’s what I’m going to talk a bit about today. I’ve had two cases today, both from America that really concern me. Which is nothing unusual because I get quite concerned with patients who routinely take pharmaceutical drugs and who present with yeast infections.
But one case, in particular, was a young guy who’s only 19 that took antibiotics on and off for several years for acne. And the other case was a case of a guy with major bowel dysfunction who had taken triple therapy for a helicobacter pylori infection. I’ll talk a little bit about those cases later on. One thing that you need to bear in mind is there are not many more things more devastating for your digestive system than taking antibiotics.
I had the fortune to attend a seminar in Australia last weekend presented by an amazing researcher of probiotics who put a fantastic slide up of the Amazon rain forest. And then the next slide was basically barren. It was basically like a nuclear bomb had gone off. And what this guy said was, “This is someone’s digestive system after they’ve taken a round of antibiotics.” They can be devastating and it can take years for your digestive system to recover from even a single round.
There are people, I think, that fall into three or four categories when it comes to antibiotics. One person, for example, will take 7 or 10 days of penicillin for strep throat and then recover 4 to 6 weeks later or partially recover more likely, because it takes a lot longer to fully recover. Another person will take a round of penicillin and take one to two years to recover. Another person may take a round of antibiotics and never fully recover. It’s probably a bit like exposure to some poisons. Some people recover because they detoxified quickly and gained good health. And other people have never been well since having a little bit of poison in their body. Everyone has their own ability to recover or not to recover, depending on multiple factors that we can’t really go into today on this video.
But what I want to stress to you today is you need to think twice before you take an antibiotic. They can be devastating. All too many patients I’ve seen take years to recover from 1, 2, or 20 rounds of antibiotics. The poor young man at 19 with the acne, I see this over and again of people who take these ridiculous drugs to cure acne. They try to kill bacteria thinking that they can get rid of acne. What a stupid thing to do. These people suffer for a long time. This poor guy has got leaky gut. He’s got pain in his joints. He’s got brain fog. He’s got constipation and diarrhea. He’s got massive sinus problems now. So he’s got all these multiple problems we have to fix. And guess what? He’s still got acne. Isn’t that stupid?
And the poor guy with the helicobacter pylori bacterial infection of the stomach, they typically take something called triple therapy which is often two types of antibiotics, and sometimes they give an acid blocker along with that. I’ve given up trying to eradicate h. pylori. I went to a seminar in Sydney, Australia. I think it was last year I went, and I spoke with a gastroenterologist with about 40 years of experience who said to me, “It’s a waste of time trying to kill h. pylori. It’s a complete waste of time.” She said, “You’re better off modifying the patient’s diet and lifestyle to build their immune system so this thing won’t proliferate.”
Trying to get rid of helicobacter pylori is almost impossible. And in nearly all cases, it will come back. If you’re watching this and you’ve got a helicobacter, you may well have partially recovered. You would have felt great initially, but then you regressed and the symptoms came back. And what happens? Repeat testing and maybe another round of these ridiculous drugs.
It’s more important to work on the milieu or the environment rather than to work on the pathogen itself. Louis Pasteur said that. Many, very famous people have said that. That killing is not the answer. Making a person strong is the answer. Increasing their resistance is the answer, not kill, kill, kill. We get nowhere with this stupid killing mentality. We’ve done a similar thing with wars in countries over the years. Killing the enemy is never going to win us the war. It’s only going to waste our resources and kill a lot of our own people by doing these dumb things.
I hope the day comes when doctors realize that antibiotics are not really a good option for most people. They’re necessary in a minority of cases, but they’re used in such abundance. We get them in the food chain. We get them in medicines. It’s ridiculous. If you’re watching this and you’re considering antibiotics for an infection, think twice about using this. Because you need to think of the long term consequences. You need to think about recovery. And if you haven’t recovered because you’ve taken an antibiotic, keep watching because I’ve got many more videos to explain how you can recover from the scourge of antibiotics.